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Sunday, April 13
09:00 AM - 09:45 PM
Eagle Nest Lake
Pine Cone Bird Feeder
Learn about the birds of New Mexico, how to attract them to your home, and how to build a pinecone bird feeder. Join us for this fun and educational activity for children and adults on May 11th at 9:30 AM. You can take your pinecone feeders home too!
The Regular Park Entrance Fee is waived for NM Residents but applies for out-of-state residents ($10). Please bring exact cash or check or display a valid New Mexico State Parks annual pass/permit.
Regular Entrance Fee
Jordan Mitchell
Add to Itinerary
Sunday, April 13
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Eagle Nest Lake
Claws, Hides and Horns
Park Rangers will present a program on area wildlife and how they adapt to survive and thrive in our local environment. We will feature hides from Mountain Lions, Bears, and Bobcats.
The Regular Park Entrance Fee is waived for NM Residents but applies for out-of-state residents ($10). Please bring exact cash or check or display a valid New Mexico State Parks annual pass/permit.
Regular Entrance Fee
Jordan Mitchell