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Sunday, April 20
11:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Hyde Memorial
Highway Trash Cleanup Earth Day
Join staff and volunteers for Earth Day to help pick up trash and beautify Hyde Park Road (Highway 475). Hyde Park staff will provide, trash bags, grabbers, and safety vests. Meet at the Visitor Center at 9:00 AM. Bring snacks, water, and work gloves.
Free park entry for all during the event only.
No entry fee during event only
Park Staff
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Saturday, June 7
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Hyde Memorial
Live Animals at Hyde Memorial
Curious about the wildlife that can be found around you? NMWC will be introducing one or more of our native animal ambassadors, explaining why they are permanent residents at our Center, and delving into their adaptations and other natural history information. We'll discuss what you can do to help their wild counterparts and offer tactile opportunities using some of our educational collection of skulls, feathers, and more!
The regular Park Entrance Fee applies. Please bring exact cash or check or display a valid New Mexico State Parks annual pass.
Normal Park Fees
Hyde Park Staff