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Tuesday, November 5
08:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Mesilla Valley Bosque
Monthly Bird ID Walking Tour
Enjoy a guided walk and learn how to identify various resident and migratory bird species from a local expert birder and member of the Mesilla Valley Audubon Society. Plan on walking approx, 2mi round trip on easy to moderate trail. There is a $5 per vehicle DAY USE FEE required UPON ENTRY.
Regular Entrance Fee
Alex Mares
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Tuesday, December 3
08:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Mesilla Valley Bosque
Monthly Bird ID Walking Tour
Enjoy a guided walk and learn how to identify various resident and migratory bird species from a local expert birder and member of the Mesilla Valley Audubon Society. Plan on walking approx, 2mi round trip on easy to moderate trail. There is a $5 per vehicle DAY USE FEE required UPON ENTRY.
Regular Entrance Fee
Alex Mares