Poison Ivy is found throughout the park. See the attached flyer for more information
Posting Dates: 08-11-2023 - ongoing Please view Detail Announcemnt (pdf) |
All comfort stations or restrooms with flushable toilets will be closed on October 1st along with most water faucets. Water can be located in the Tolby Campground attached to the well house (light brown building). Also the the gray water dump stations are closed.
Posting Dates: 10-22-2023 - ongoing |
CAUTION : Tussock Moth has been identified in Cimarron Canyon State Park. The Tussock Moth caterpillars have thousands of tiny hairs covering their bodies. The female moths, egg masses, and cocoons also have hairs. Tussockosis can occur as an allergic reaction from direct contact with insects or airborne hairs. Symptoms may include itchiness, skin rashes, skin irritation, watery eyes, runny nose, and sneezing. More severe reactions, though less common, include blisters, coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, and chest tightness.
Posting Dates: 08-10-2024 - ongoing Please view Detail Announcemnt (pdf) |
Trail Closures-The Colin Neblett backcountry including Tolby and Maverick Trails are closed to all entry during deer fawning and elk calving May 15-July 31. Clear Creek Trail remains open May 15-July 31. The backcountry and ALL trails are closed during big game hunts as published in the NM Rules and Info Booklet. Licensed hunters and their hunting party are exempt from closures during their hunt/scouting period.
Posting Dates: 8/21/2023 - ongoing Please view Detail Closure (pdf) |
Maverick Campground will be closed from December 1st through March 1st.
Posting Dates: 9/15/2024 - ongoing |
Blackjack campground will be closed from October 1st to May 1st.
Posting Dates: 9/15/2024 - ongoing |
Stage II Fire Restrictions: Building, maintaining, attending or using a fire, campfire, charcoal, coal, or wood stove is prohibited. The use of devices fueled solely by liquid petroleum or LPG fuels that can be turned on and off is allowed. Such devices can only be used in an area that is barren or cleared of all overhead and surrounding flammable materials within three (3) feet of the device. Smoking is prohibited, except within an enclosed vehicle or building.
Posting Dates: 3/24/2025 - ongoing |