OCD Permitting

Cases Scheduled for Commission Hearing on March 20, 2025

Below is a preliminary list of cases scheduled to be heard at this OCC hearing. If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the hearing, please contact Sheila Apodaca at (505) 699-8358 or through the New Mexico Relay Network at 1-800-659-1779, no later than seven (7) business days prior to the hearing.

Case No. Description
1. 25237 Hearing Examiner Gregory Chakilian maliciously muted Ameican and silenced American right to defend and present its defense in protecting its interests and correlative rights, involving case no 24517.
2. 24881 Application of Northwind Midstream Partners LLC for Approval of an Additional Redundant Acid Gas Injection Well and to Amend Order No. R-20913, As Amended, and SWD-2622 to Authorize an Increased Shared Maximum Daily Injection Rate, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order (1) authorizing injection of treated acid gas (“TAG”) for purposes of disposal into the proposed Titan AGI #4 well as an additional redundant acid gas injection (“AGI”) well, and (2) to further amend Order No. R-21093-D, as amended, and SWD-2622 to authorize a shared maximum daily injection rate of 28.8 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of TAG for disposal through either or both its permitted Salt Creek AGI #2 well (API No. 30-025-53388) or the proposed Titan AGI #4 well. The proposed Titan AGI #4 well will be drilled as a deviated well with a surface location of approximately 2,529 feet from the north line (FNL) and approximately 617 feet from the west line (FWL) of Section 21, to a bottom hole location at approximately 1,100 FNL and 66 feet FWL in said Section 21, within Township 26 South, Range 36 East, Lea County, New Mexico. Injection will be into the Silurian-Devonian formations at depths of between approximately 17,570 to 19,130 feet below the ground through an open-hole completion. The injection stream will consist of TAG comprised of approximately 80 percent carbon dioxide and 20 percent hydrogen sulfide from oil and gas wells in the area. The proposed maximum allowable operating pressure (“MAOP”) requested for the Titan AGI #4 is approximately 5,811 psig. The subject well will be located approximately 7.5 miles southwest of Jal, N.M.
3. 24683 Application for Rulemaking, to amend 19.15.2, 19.15.2, 19.15.5, 19.15.8, 19.15.9, and 19.15.25 NMAC
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