OCD Permitting

PRELIMINARY DOCKET: OCD Special Hearing for August 7, 2024

For hearings by affidavit: presenting parties are required to submit a pre-hearing statement no later than the Thursday before the hearing. The pre-hearing statement shall include: 1) a list of disputed facts and issues; 2) identification of witnesses and their qualifications; and 3) all exhibits and written testimony a party intends to enter into evidence at the hearing and a full narrative for each.

For contested matters: pre-hearing statements shall be filed no later than 9:00 a.m., 4 business days prior to the hearing and in addition to the requirements of NMAC, shall include: all evidentiary exhibits, documents, affidavits, and full-written testimony of any witness a party offers at the hearing. Exhibits must be sequentially marked on every page.

Failure to timely file a complete pre-hearing statement may cause the Hearing Examiner to continue the hearing and/or impose sanctions up to and including the exclusion of late-filed evidence. Evidentiary objections must be filed no later than 48 hours before the hearing. Rulings on the objections will be addressed as a preliminary matter when the case is called.

If you are an individual with a disability who needs a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in a hearing, contact Freya.Tschantz@emnrd.nm.gov, or the New Mexico Relay Network at 1-800-659-1779, no later than 10 days prior to the hearing.

NOTICE: The hearing examiner may call the following cases in any order at their discretion.

Case No. Description
1. 24413 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Oil Conservation Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests in the Bone Spring formation (ESPERANZA; BONESPRING [97755]) in a standard 320-acre, more or less, horizontal spacing and proration unit (“HSU”) comprised of the N/2 N/2 of Sections 8 and 9, all in Township 22 South, Range 26 East, in Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant proposes to drill the following 2-mile wells in the HSU: (1) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 111H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 990’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; (2) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 121H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 330’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; and (3) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 131H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 330’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E. The completed intervals and first and last take points will meet the setback requirements set forth in the statewide rules for horizontal oil wells. Additional considerations will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and allocation of such costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the HSU and wells to be drilled thereon, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. The wells and lands are located approximately 4 miles West of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
2. 24414 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Oil Conservation Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests in the Bone Spring formation (ESPERANZA; BONESPRING [97755]) in a standard 320-acre, more or less, horizontal spacing and proration unit (“HSU”) comprised of the N/2 S/2 of Sections 8 and 9, all in Township 22 South, Range 26 East, in Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant proposes to drill the following 2-mile wells in the HSU: (1) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 113H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 1,650’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; (2) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 123H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 2,310’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; and (3) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 133H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 2,310’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E. The completed intervals and first and last take points will meet the setback requirements set forth in the statewide rules for horizontal oil wells. Additional considerations will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and allocation of such costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the HSU and wells to be drilled thereon, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. The wells and lands are located approximately 4 miles West of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
3. 24415 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Oil Conservation Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests in the Bone Spring formation (ESPERANZA; BONESPRING [97755]) in a standard 320-acre, more or less, horizontal spacing and proration unit (“HSU”) comprised of the S/2 N/2 of Sections 8 and 9, all in Township 22 South, Range 26 East, in Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant proposes to drill the following 2-mile wells in the HSU: (1) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 112H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 2,310’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; (2) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 122H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 1,650’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; and (3) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 132H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 1,650’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E. The completed intervals and first and last take points will meet the setback requirements set forth in the statewide rules for horizontal oil wells. Additional considerations will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and allocation of such costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the HSU and wells to be drilled thereon, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. The wells and lands are located approximately 4 miles West of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
4. 24417 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Oil Conservation Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests in the Bone Spring formation (ESPERANZA; BONESPRING [97755]) in a standard 320-acre, more or less, horizontal spacing and proration unit (“HSU”) comprised of the S/2 S/2 of Sections 8 and 9, all in Township 22 South, Range 26 East, in Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant proposes to drill the following 2-mile wells in the HSU: (1) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 114H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 330’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; (2) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 124H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 990’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; and (3) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 134H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 990’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E. The completed intervals and first and last take points will meet the setback requirements set forth in the statewide rules for horizontal oil wells. Additional considerations will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and allocation of such costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the HSU and wells to be drilled thereon, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. The wells and lands are located approximately 4 miles West of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
5. 24418 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Oil Conservation Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests in the Wolfcamp formation (PURPLE SAGE; WOLFCAMP (GAS) [98220]) in a standard 640-acre, more or less, horizontal spacing and proration unit (“HSU”) comprised of the S/2 of Section 8 and Section 9, T22S-R26E, in Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant proposes to drill the following 2-mile wells in the HSU: (1) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 223H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 1,650’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; (2) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 224H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 330’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; (3) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 423H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 2,310’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; and (4) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 424H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 990’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E. The completed intervals will meet the setback requirements set forth in the special rules for the Purple Sage Wolfcamp. Permian will seek administrative approval for non-standard locations of the first and last take points. Additional considerations will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and allocation of such costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the HSU and wells to be drilled thereon, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. The wells and lands are located approximately 4 miles West of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
6. 24419 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Oil Conservation Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests in the Wolfcamp formation (PURPLE SAGE; WOLFCAMP (GAS) [98220]) in a standard 640-acre, more or less, horizontal spacing and proration unit (“HSU”) comprised of the N/2 of Section 8 and Section 9, T22S-R26E, in Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant proposes to drill the following 2-mile wells in the HSU: (1) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 221H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 990’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; (2) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 222H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 2,310’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; (3) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 421H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 330’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; and (4) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 422H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 1,650’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E. The completed intervals will meet the setback requirements set forth in the special rules for the Purple Sage Wolfcamp. Permian will seek administrative approval for non-standard locations of the first and last take points. Additional considerations will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and allocation of such costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the HSU and wells to be drilled thereon, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. The wells and lands are located approximately 4 miles West of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
7. 24266 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Permian Resources Operating, LLC (“Applicant”) seeks an order pooling all uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation underlying a 320-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the N/2 N/2 of Sections 10 and 11, Township 22 South, Range 26 East, Eddy County, New Mexico (“Unit”). Applicant seeks to dedicate the Unit to the Mammoth 10 Com 121H and Mammoth 10 Com 131H wells (“Wells”), which will produce from first take points in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 10, to last take points in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 11. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The surface location of the Wells is approximately 1 mile west of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
8. 24267 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Permian Resources Operating, LLC (“Applicant”) seeks an order pooling all uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation underlying a 320-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the S/2 N/2 of Sections 10 and 11, Township 22 South, Range 26 East, Eddy County, New Mexico (“Unit”). Applicant seeks to dedicate the Unit to the Mammoth 10 Com 122H and Mammoth 10 Com 132H wells (“Wells”), which will produce from first take points in the SW/4 NW/4 (Unit E) of Section 10, to last take points in the SE/4 NE/4 (Unit H) of Section 11. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The surface location of the Wells is approximately 1 mile west of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
9. 24268 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Permian Resources Operating, LLC (“Applicant”) seeks an order pooling all uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation underlying a 320-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the N/2 S/2 of Sections 10 and 11, Township 22 South, Range 26 East, Eddy County, New Mexico (“Unit”). Applicant seeks to dedicate the Unit to the Mammoth 10 Com 123H and Mammoth 10 Com 133H wells (“Wells”), which will produce from first take points in the NW/4 SW/4 (Unit L) of Section 10, to last take points in the NE/4 SE/4 (Unit I) of Section 11. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The surface location of the Wells is approximately 1 mile west of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
10. 24269 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Permian Resources Operating, LLC (“Applicant”) seeks an order pooling all uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation underlying a 320-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the S/2 S/2 of Sections 10 and 11, Township 22 South, Range 26 East, Eddy County, New Mexico (“Unit”). Applicant seeks to dedicate the Unit to the Mammoth 10 Com 124H and Mammoth 10 Com 134H wells (“Wells”), which will produce from first take points in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 10, to last take points in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 11. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The surface location of the Wells is approximately 1 mile west of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
11. 24270 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Permian Resources Operating, LLC (“Applicant”) seeks an order pooling all uncommitted interests in the Wolfcamp formation underlying a 640-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the N/2 of Sections 10 and 11, Township 22 South, Range 26 East, Eddy County, New Mexico (“Unit”). Applicant seeks to dedicate the Unit to the following wells (“Wells”): Mammoth 10 Com 201H well, which will produce from a first take point in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 10, to a last take point in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 11; and Mammoth 10 Com 202H well, which will produce from a first take point in the SW/4 NW/4 (Unit E) of Section 10, to a last take point in the SE/4 NE/4 (Unit H) of Section 11. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The surface location of the Wells is approximately 1 mile west of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
12. 24271 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Permian Resources Operating, LLC (“Applicant”) seeks an order pooling all uncommitted interests in the Wolfcamp formation underlying a 640-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the S/2 of Sections 10 and 11, Township 22 South, Range 26 East, Eddy County, New Mexico (“Unit”). Applicant seeks to dedicate the Unit to the following wells (“Wells”): Mammoth 10 Com 203H well, which will produce from a first take point in the NW/4 SW/4 (Unit L) of Section 10, to a last take point in the NE/4 SE/4 (Unit I) of Section 11; and Mammoth 10 Com 204H well, which will produce from a first take point in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 10, to a last take point in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 11. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The surface location of the Wells is approximately 1 mile west of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
13. 24545 Application of Mewbourne Oil Company for compulsory pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Mewbourne Oil Company seeks an order pooling all uncommitted mineral interest owners in the Bone Spring formation underlying a horizontal spacing unit comprised of the N/2N/2 of Section 9, N/2N/2 of Section 10, and the N/2NW/4 of Section 11, Township 22 South, Range 26 East, N.M.P.M., Eddy County, New Mexico (containing 400 acres). The unit will be dedicated to (a) the Buffalo Thunder 9/11 Fed. Com. Well No. 521H, with a first take point in the NW/4NW/4 of Section 9 and a last take point in the NE/4NW/4 of Section 11, and (b) the Buffalo Thunder 9/11 Fed. Com. Well No. 622H, with a first take point in the NW/4NW/4 of Section 9 and a last take point in the NE/4NW/4 of Section 11. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling, completing, equipping, and testing the wells and the allocation of the cost thereof, as well as actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of applicant as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling, completing, equipping, and testing the wells. The unit is located approximately 3 miles west-southwest of Carlsbad, New Mexico
14. 24546 Application of Mewbourne Oil Company for compulsory pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Mewbourne Oil Company seeks an order pooling all uncommitted mineral interest owners in the Bone Spring formation underlying a horizontal spacing unit comprised of the S/2N/2 of Section 9, S/2N/2 of Section 10, and the S/2NW/4 of Section 11, Township 22 South, Range 26 East, N.M.P.M., Eddy County, New Mexico (containing 400 acres). The unit will be dedicated to the Buffalo Thunder 9/11 Fed. Com. Well No. 523H, with a first take point in the SW/4NW/4 of Section 9 and a last take point in the SE/4NW/4 of Section 11. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling, completing, equipping, and testing the well and the allocation of the cost thereof, as well as actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of applicant as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling, completing, equipping, and testing the well. The unit is located approximately 3 miles west-southwest of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
15. 24547 Application of Mewbourne Oil Company for compulsory pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Mewbourne Oil Company seeks an order pooling all uncommitted mineral interest owners in the Bone Spring formation underlying a horizontal spacing unit comprised of the N/2S/2 of Section 9, N/2S/2 of Section 10, and the N/2SW/4 of Section 11, Township 22 South, Range 26 East, N.M.P.M., Eddy County, New Mexico (containing 400 acres). The unit will be dedicated to (a) the Buffalo Thunder 9/11 Fed. Com. Well No. 525H, with a first take point in the NW/4SW/4 of Section 9 and a last take point in the NE/4SW/4 of Section 11, and (b) the Buffalo Thunder 9/11 Fed. Com. Well No. 625H, with a first take point in the NW/4SW/4 of Section 9 and a last take point in the NE/4SW/4 of Section 11. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling, completing, equipping, and testing the wells and the allocation of the cost thereof, as well as actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of applicant as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling, completing, equipping, and testing the wells. The unit is located approximately 3 miles west-southwest of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
16. 24548 Application of Mewbourne Oil Company for compulsory pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Mewbourne Oil Company seeks an order pooling all uncommitted mineral interest owners in the Bone Spring formation underlying a horizontal spacing unit comprised of the S/2S/2 of Section 9, S/2S/2 of Section 10, and the S/2SW/4 of Section 11, Township 22 South, Range 26 East, N.M.P.M., Eddy County, New Mexico (containing 400 acres). The unit will be dedicated to (a) the Buffalo Thunder 9/11 Fed. Com. Well No. 527H, with a first take point in the SW/4SW/4 of Section 9 and a last take point in the SE/4SW/4 of Section 11, and (b) the Buffalo Thunder 9/11 Fed. Com. Well No. 628H, with a first take point in the SW/4SW/4 of Section 9 and a last take point in the SE/4SW/4 of Section 11. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling, completing, equipping, and testing the wells and the allocation of the cost thereof, as well as actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of applicant as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling, completing, equipping, and testing the wells. The unit is located approximately 3 miles west-southwest of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
17. 24549 Application of Mewbourne Oil Company for compulsory pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Mewbourne Oil Company seeks an order pooling all uncommitted mineral interest owners in the Wolfcamp formation underlying a horizontal spacing unit comprised of the N/2 of Section 9, N/2 of Section 10, and the NW/4 of Section 11, Township 22 South, Range 26 East, N.M.P.M., Eddy County, New Mexico (containing 800 acres). The unit will be dedicated to (a) the Buffalo Thunder 9/11 Fed. Com. Well No. 711H, with a first take point in the NW/4NW/4 of Section 9 and a last take point in the NE/4NW/4 of Section 11, and (b) the Buffalo Thunder 9/11 Fed. Com. Well No. 714H, with a first take point in the NW/4NW/4 of Section 9 and a last take point in the NE/4NW/4 of Section 11. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling, completing, equipping, and testing the wells and the allocation of the cost thereof, as well as actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of applicant as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling, completing, equipping, and testing the wells. The unit is located approximately 3 miles west-southwest of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
18. 24550 Application of Mewbourne Oil Company for compulsory pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Mewbourne Oil Company seeks an order pooling all uncommitted mineral interest owners in the Wolfcamp formation underlying a horizontal spacing unit comprised of the S/2 of Section 9, S/2 of Section 10, and the SW/4 of Section 11, Township 22 South, Range 26 East, N.M.P.M., Eddy County, New Mexico (containing 800 acres). The unit will be dedicated to the Buffalo Thunder 9/11 Fed. Com. Well No. 717H, with a first take point in the SW/4SW/4 of Section 9 and a last take point in the SE/4SW/4 of Section 11. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling, completing, equipping, and testing the well and the allocation of the cost thereof, as well as actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of applicant as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling, completing, equipping, and testing the well. The unit is located approximately 3 miles west-southwest of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
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