OCD Permitting

PRELIMINARY DOCKET: Examiner Hearing for February 27, 2025

For hearings by affidavit: presenting parties are required to submit a pre-hearing statement no later than the Thursday before the hearing. The pre-hearing statement shall include: 1) a list of disputed facts and issues; 2) identification of witnesses and their qualifications; and 3) all exhibits and written testimony a party intends to enter into evidence at the hearing and a full narrative for each.

For contested matters: pre-hearing statements shall be filed no later than 9:00 a.m., 4 business days prior to the hearing and in addition to the requirements of NMAC, shall include: all evidentiary exhibits, documents, affidavits, and full-written testimony of any witness a party offers at the hearing. Exhibits must be sequentially marked on every page.

Failure to timely file a complete pre-hearing statement may cause the Hearing Examiner to continue the hearing and/or impose sanctions up to and including the exclusion of late-filed evidence. Evidentiary objections must be filed no later than 48 hours before the hearing. Rulings on the objections will be addressed as a preliminary matter when the case is called.

If you are an individual with a disability who needs a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in a hearing, contact Freya.Tschantz@emnrd.nm.gov, or the New Mexico Relay Network at 1-800-659-1779, no later than 10 days prior to the hearing.

NOTICE: The hearing examiner may call the following cases in any order at their discretion.

Case No. Description
1. 25165 Unresolved alleged violations of,, and NMAC
2. 25054 Application of OXY USA Inc. for Authorization to Inject and Creation of an Enhanced Oil Recovery Pilot Project, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant the seeks an order authorizing OXY to inject for purposes of an enhanced oil recovery (“EOR”) pilot project in the Second Bone Spring Sand interval within the Bone Spring formation (“Pilot Project”), dedicated to a proposed project area comprised of approximately 960-acres, more or less, in Eddy County, New Mexico, (the “Project Area”), as follows:
Township 24 South, Range 29 East
Section 17:    W/2
Section 18:     E/2 W/2; E/2
Applicant proposes to initiate an Intra-Well Miscibility (“IWM”) EOR injection pilot project within a single existing horizontal well. OXY seeks authority to use one of the following six existing horizontal wells within the Project Area to serve as the IWM EOR injection well:
•    The Patton MDP1 “18” Federal 5H (API No. 30-015-44272);
•    The Patton MDP1 “17” Federal 1H (API No. 30-015-44459);
•    The Patton MDP1 “18” Federal 3H (API No. 30-015-44333);
•    The Patton MDP1 “18” Federal 7H (API No. 30-015-44273);
•    The Patton MDP1 “17” Federal 2H (API No. 30-015-44460); and
•    The Patton MDP1 “17” Federal 3H (API No. 30-015-44496).
Applicant seeks authority to inject produced gas from the Delaware, Bone Spring, and Wolfcamp pools into the Second Bone Spring interval of the Bone Spring formation along the horizontal portion of one of the candidate wellbores between approximately 9,900 feet and 10,100 feet true vertical depth. The maximum allowable surface injection pressure is proposed to be 4,590 psi. The proposed average daily injection rate is expected to be approximately 1.5 MMSCF/day with an expected maximum injection rate of 3 MMSCF/day. The subject acreage is located approximately 3 miles southeast of Malaga, New Mexico.

3. 24864 Application of MRC Permian Company for Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling all uncommitted interests in a standard 320-acre, more or less, horizontal well spacing unit in the Bone Spring formation comprised of the W2E2 of Sections 11 and 14, Township 17 South, Range 37 East, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the proposed Monika 133H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE4 of Section 14, with a first take point in the SW4SE4 (Unit O) of Section 14 and a last take point in the NW4NE4 (Unit B) of Section 11. Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the well and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Matador Production Company as operator of the proposed spacing unit, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling the proposed well. The subject area is located approximately 5.5 miles west of Knowles, New Mexico.
4. 24865 Application of MRC Permian Company for Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling all uncommitted interests in a standard 640-acre, more or less, horizontal well spacing unit in the Wolfcamp formation comprised of the E2 of Sections 11 and 14, Township 17 South, Range 37 East, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the proposed Monika 203H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE4 of Section 14, with a first take point in the SE4SE4 (Unit P) of Section 14 and a last take point in the NE4NE4 (Unit A) of Section 11. The location of the proposed well is expected to remain within 330 feet of the offsetting quarter-quarter sections or equivalent tracts to allow inclusion of this acreage in the proposed horizontal well spacing unit. Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the well and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Matador Production Company as operator of the proposed spacing unit, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling the proposed well. The subject area is located approximately 5.5 miles west of Knowles, New Mexico.
5. 24872 Application of Avant Operating, LLC for approval of a non-standard spacing unit and compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division approving a non-standard spacing unit and pooling all uncommitted interests within a 1262.72-acre, more or less, Wolfcamp horizontal spacing unit comprised of Sections 30 and 31, Township 18 South, Range 34 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the following wells: the Speedmaster 30 Fed Com #006H well with a proposed surface hole location in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 30 and a proposed bottom hole location in the SE/4 SW/4 (Unit N) of Section 31; Speedmaster 30 Fed Com #007H well with a proposed surface hole location in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 30 and a proposed bottom hole location in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 31; Speedmaster 30 Fed Com #008H well with a proposed surface hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 30 and a proposed bottom hole location in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 31; and Speedmaster 30 Fed Com #009H well with a proposed surface hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 30 and a proposed bottom hole location in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 31.The wells will be drilled at orthodox locations. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Avant Operating, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 23 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
6. 24873 Application of Avant Operating, LLC for approval of a non-standard spacing unit, compulsory pooling, and, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division approving a non-standard spacing unit and pooling all uncommitted interests within a 1262.72-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of Sections 30 and 31, Township 18 South, Range 34 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. Avant also seeks, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the following wells: the Speedmaster 30 Fed Com #501H well with a proposed surface hole location in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 30 and a proposed bottom hole location in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 31; Speedmaster 30 Fed Com #301H and Speedmaster 30 Fed Com #601H wells with proposed first take points in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 30 and proposed last take points in the SE/4 SW/4 (Unit N) of Section 31; Speedmaster 30 Fed Com #502H well with a proposed surface hole location in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 30 and a proposed bottom hole location in the SE/4 SW/4 (Unit N) of Section 31; Speedmaster 30 Fed Com #302H and Speedmaster 30 Fed Com #602H wells with proposed first take points in the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 30 and proposed last take points in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 31; Speedmaster 30 Fed Com #303H well with a proposed surface hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 30 and a proposed bottom hole location in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 31; and Speedmaster 30 Fed Com #304H, Speedmaster 30 Fed Com #603H, and Speedmaster 30 Fed Com #604H wells with proposed surface hole locations in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 30 and proposed bottom hole locations in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 31.The wells will be drilled at orthodox locations. This proposed horizontal spacing unit will partially overlap with the following spacing units:
•    A 160-acre Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 E/2 of Section 30, Township 18 South, Range 34 East, dedicated to Prima Exploration, Inc.’s EK 30 BS2 Federal Com #001H well (API 30-025-42701);
•    A 160-acre Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 E/2 of Section 31, Township 18 South, Range 34 East, dedicated to Prima Exploration, Inc.’s EK 31 BS2 Federal Com #001H well (API 30-025-43884);
•    An 80-acre Bone Spring vertical spacing unit comprised of the W/2 SE/4 of Section 30, Township 18 South, Range 34 East, dedicated to Kaiser-Francis Oil Co.’s McElvain Federal #001H well (API 30-025-24757);
•    An 80-acre Bone Spring vertical spacing unit comprised of the W/2 SW/4 of Section 31, Township 18 South, Range 34 East, dedicated to Prima Exploration, Inc.’s McElvain Federal #010H well (API 30-025-39520);
•    A 160-acre Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 E/2 of Section 30, Township 18 South, Range 34 East, dedicated to Prima Exploration, Inc.’s EK 30 BS2 Federal Com #002H well (API 30-025-43883); and
•    An 80-acre Bone Spring vertical spacing unit comprised of the N/2 SE/4 of Section 31, Township 18 South, Range 34 East, dedicated to Earthstone Operating, LLC’s Wapiti 31 Federal #001H well (API 30-025-35841).
Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Avant Operating, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 23 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
7. 24874 Application of Avant Operating, LLC for compulsory pooling, and, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted interests within a standard 640-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprising the N/2 of Sections 14 and 15, Township 18 South, Range 32 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Shinnery Oak 15 Fed Com #301H, Shinnery Oak 15 Fed Com #302H, Shinnery Oak 15 Fed Com #501H, Shinnery Oak 15 Fed Com #502H, Shinnery Oak 15 Fed Com #601H and Shinnery Oak 15 Fed Com #602H wells with proposed surface hole locations in the SW/4NW/4 (Unit E) of Section 15 and proposed last take points in the NE/4NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 14; and Shinnery Oak 15 Fed Com #303H, Shinnery Oak 15 Fed Com #503H, and Shinnery Oak 15 Fed Com #603H wells with proposed surface hole locations in the SW/4NW/4 (Unit E) of Section 15 and proposed last take points in the SE/4NE/4 (Unit H) of Section 14. The wells will be drilled at orthodox locations. Avant also seeks, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit. This proposed horizontal spacing unit will partially overlap with the following spacing units:
•    A 160-acre Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of the N/2N/2 of Section 14, Township 18 South, Range 32 East, dedicated to RAYBAW Operating, LLC’s Shinnery 14 Federal #010H well (API 30-025-40072);
•    A 160-acre Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of the N/2N/2 of Section 15, Township 18 South, Range 32 East, dedicated to RAYBAW Operating, LLC’s West Shinnery 15 Federal #002H well (API 30-025-39956); and
•    A 160-acre Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of the N/2S/2 of Section 15, Township 18 South, Range 32 East, dedicated to Cimarex Energy Co. of Colorado’s West Shinnery 15 Federal #003H well (API 30-025-40066).
The completed intervals for the Shinnery Oak 15 Fed Com #302H, Shinnery Oak 15 Fed Com #502H, Shinnery Oak 15 Fed Com #602H wells are expected to be less than 330 feet from the adjoining tracts, thereby allowing for the inclusion of the proximity tracts within the proposed spacing unit. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Avant Operating, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 7 miles south of Maljamar, New Mexico.
8. 24943 Application of MRC Permian Company for compulsory pooling and approval of overlapping well units, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order pooling all mineral interest owners in the Bone Spring formation underlying a horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 of Section 28 Township 23 South, Range 29 East, NMPM. MRC seeks to initially dedicate the above-referenced horizontal spacing unit to the proposed Anderson Laing Fed. Well No. 129H, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE/4SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 28 to a bottom hole location in the SW/4SE/4 (Unit M) of Section 28. The well is a U-turn well; The E2/E/2 of the well will contain the south-north lateral, and the W/2E/2 will contain the north-south lateral. MRC also requests approval for the well unit requested herein to overlap the following wells: The Cypress 28 Federal #001H (30-015-37249), Cypress 28 Federal #002H (30-015-37331), Cypress 28 Federal #003H (30-015-38287, and Cypress 28 Federal #004H (30-015-39330). Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling, completing, testing and equipping the well and the allocation of the cost thereof, as well as actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of applicant as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling, completing, testing and equipping the well. The unit is located approximately 2-1/2 miles east-northeast of Harroun, New Mexico.
9. 24982 Application of MRC Permian Company for compulsory pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order pooling all mineral interest owners in the Wolfcamp formation underlying a horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 of Section 28 Township 23 South, Range 29 East, NMPM. MRC seeks to initially dedicate the above-referenced horizontal spacing unit to the proposed Anderson Laing Fed. Well Nos. 209H and 229H, to be horizontally drilled from surface locations in the SE/4SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 28 to bottom hole locations in the SW/4SE/4 (Unit M) of Section 28. The wells are U-turn wells: The E2/E/2 of the unit will contain the south-north laterals, and the W/2E/2 will contain the north-south laterals. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling, completing, testing and equipping the wells and the allocation of the cost thereof, as well as actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Matador Production Company as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling, completing, testing and equipping the wells. The unit is located approximately 2-1/2 miles east-northeast of Harroun, New Mexico.
10. 25091 Application of Cimarex Energy Co. for approval of a non-standard spacing unit, compulsory pooling, and, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division approving a non-standard spacing unit and pooling all uncommitted interests within a 1280-acre, more or less, Wolfcamp horizontal spacing unit comprised of Sections 28 and 29, Township 23 South, Range 29 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico, in the Purple Sage Wolfcamp Gas Pool (Code 98220). This spacing unit will be dedicated to the following wells: Laguna Grande Fed Com 29-28 #9H and the Laguna Grande Fed Com 29-28 #10H wells with proposed first take points in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 29 and proposed bottom hole locations in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 28; Laguna Grande Fed Com 29-28 #11H and the Laguna Grande Fed Com 29-28 #12H wells with proposed first take points in the SW/4 NW/4 (Unit E) of Section 29 and proposed bottom hole locations in the SE/4 NE/4 (Unit H) of Section 28; Laguna Grande Fed Com 29-28 #13H and the Laguna Grande Fed Com 29-28 #14H wells with proposed first take points in the NW/4 SW/4 (Unit L) of Section 29 and proposed bottom hole locations in the NE/4 SE/4 (Unit I) of Section 28; and Laguna Grande Fed Com 29-28 #15H and the Laguna Grande Fed Com 29-28 #16H wells with proposed first take points in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 29 and proposed bottom hole locations in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 28. The wells will be drilled at orthodox locations. Applicant also seeks, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit. The proposed horizontal spacing unit will partially overlap with a 320-acre Wolfcamp spacing unit comprised of the E/2 of Section 29, dedicated to Cimarex Energy Co. of Colorado’s Laguna Grande Unit 7H well (API 30-015-42739). Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling, completing, and equipping said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision while drilling and after completion, designation of Cimarex Energy Co. as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 5 miles southeast of Loving, New Mexico.
11. 25102 Application of Cimarex Energy Co. for approval of a non-standard spacing unit, compulsory pooling, and, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division approving a non-standard spacing unit and pooling all uncommitted interests within a 1280-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of Sections 28 and 29, Township 23 South, Range 29 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico in the Laguna Salado; Bone Spring Pool (Code 96721) and/or the Laguna Salado; Bone Spring, South Pool (Code 96857). This spacing unit will be dedicated to the following wells: Laguna Grande Fed Com 29-28 #2H well with a proposed first take point in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 29 and proposed bottom hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 28; Laguna Grande Fed Com 29-28 #4H well with a first take point in the SW/4 NW/4 (Unit E) of Section 29 and proposed bottom hole location in the SE/4 NE/4 (Unit H) of Section 28; Laguna Grande Fed Com 29-28 #6H well with a proposed first take point in the NW/4 SW/4 (Unit L) of Section 29 and proposed bottom hole location in the NE/4 SE/4 (Unit I) of Section 28; and Laguna Grande Fed Com 29-28 #8H well with a proposed first take point in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 29 and proposed bottom hole location in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 28. The wells will be drilled at orthodox locations. Applicant also seeks, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit. The proposed horizontal spacing unit will partially overlap with the following existing Bone Spring spacing units in the Laguna Salado; Bone Spring, South Pool (Code 96857):
•    A 120-acre spacing unit comprised of the N/2NW/4 and the NW/4NE/4 of Section 28, dedicated to OXY USA, Inc.’s Cypress 28 Federal #3H well (API 30-015-38287);
•    A 120-acre spacing unit comprised of the S/2NW/4 and the SW/4NE/4 of Section 28, dedicated to OXY USA, Inc.’s Cypress 28 Federal #4H well (API 30-015-39330);
•    A 120-acre spacing unit comprised of the N/2SW/4 and the NW/4SE/4 of Section 28, dedicated to OXY USA, Inc.’s Cypress 28 Federal #2H well (API 30-015-37331); and
•    A 120-acre spacing unit comprised of the S/2SW/4 and the SW/4SE/4 of Section 28, dedicated to OXY USA, Inc.’s Cypress 28 Federal #1H well (API 30-015-37249).
Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling, completing, and equipping said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision while drilling and after completion, designation of Cimarex Energy Co. as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 5 miles southeast of Loving, New Mexico.
12. 25031 Application of Civitas Permian Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation underlying a standard 640-acre, more or less, horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 of Section 34, Township 23 South, Range 27 East, and the E/2 of Section 3, Township 24 South, Range 27 East, Eddy County, New Mexico. The proposed horizontal spacing unit will be dedicated to the following wells (“Wells”): Smooth Hoperator 34-3 Fed Com 113H, Smooth Hoperator 34-3 Fed Com 123H and Smooth Hoperator 34-3 Fed Com 153H to be horizontally drilled with first take point in the NW/4NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 34 and last take point in the SW/4SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 3; and Smooth Hoperator 34-3 Fed Com 114H, Smooth Hoperator 34-3 Fed Com 124H and Smooth Hoperator 34-3 Fed Com 154H to be horizontally drilled with first take points in the NE/4NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 34 and last take points in the SE/4SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 3. The completed interval for the Smooth Hoperator 34-3 Fed Com 123H is expected to be less than 330 feet from the adjoining tracts thereby allowing for the inclusion of the proximity tracts within the Unit. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells, the allocation of these costs and the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Civitas as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling the Wells. Said area is located approximately 4 miles southwest of Loving, New Mexico.
13. 25035 Application of MRC Permian Company for Approval of an Overlapping Horizontal Well Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order (a) approving a standard 799.19-acre, more or less, overlapping horizontal well spacing unit in the Bone Spring formation underlying the E2 of Sections 3 and 10, Township 21 South, Range 32 East, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico, and (b) pooling the uncommitted mineral owners therein. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the following proposed wells:
•    Electra Special 0310 Fed Com 123H and Electra Special 0310 Fed Com 137H wells to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE4 of Section 3, with first take points in the NW4NE4 (Lot 2) of irregular Section 3 and last take points in the SW4SE4 (Unit O) of Section 10; and
•    Electra Special 0310 Fed Com 124H, Electra Special 0310 Fed Com 133H and Electra Special 0310 Fed Com 138H wells to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE4 of Section 3, with first take points in the NE4NE4 (Lot 1) of irregular Section 3 and last take points in the SE4SE4 (Unit P) of Section 10.
The completed interval of the Electra Special 0310 Fed Com 133H well is expected to remain within 330 feet of the offsetting quarter-quarter sections or equivalent tracts to allow inclusion of this acreage in a standard horizontal well spacing unit. This proposed horizonal well spacing unit will overlap an existing spacing unit in the Bone Spring formation underlying the E2E2 of Section 10 dedicated to the Hat Mesa 10 Fed Com 2H (30-025-40365) well currently operated by Cimarex Energy Company of Colorado. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Matador Production Company as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling the wells. The subject area is located approximately 33 miles northeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
14. 25037 Application of MRC Permian Company for Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling a standard 399.73-acre, more or less, horizontal well spacing unit in the Wolfcamp formation underlying the W2E2 of Sections 3 and 10, Township 21 South, Range 32 East, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the following proposed Electra Special 0310 Fed Com 203H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE4 of Section 3, with a first take point in the NW4NE4 (Lot 2) of irregular Section 3 and a last take point in the SW4SE4 (Unit O) of Section 10. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the well and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Matador Production Company as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling the well. The subject area is located approximately 33 miles northeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
15. 25038 Application of MRC Permian Company for Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling a standard 399.46-acre, more or less, horizontal well spacing unit in the Wolfcamp formation underlying the E2E2 of Sections 3 and 10, Township 21 South, Range 32 East, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the proposed Electra Special 0310 Fed Com 204H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE4 of Section 3, with a first take point in the NE4NE4 (Lot 1) of irregular Section 3 and a last take point in the SE4SE4 (Unit P) of Section 10. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the well and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Matador Production Company as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling the well. The subject area is located approximately 33 miles northeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico.

16. 25103 Application of OXY USA Inc. for Approval of an Overlapping Horizontal Well Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order (a) approving a standard 317.34-acre, more or less, overlapping horizontal well spacing unit in a portion of the Bone Spring formation, from the top of the First Bone Spring formation to the bottom of the First Bone Spring formation, comprised of Lots 1-4 (W/2 W/2 equivalent) of irregular Sections 19 and 30, Township 24 South, Range 29 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico, and (b) pooling all uncommitted mineral owners in this acreage. This spacing unit will be initially dedicated to the SORO CC 19_30 Fed Com 11H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE/4 SW/4 (Unit N) of irregular Section 30, with a first take point in Lot 4 (SW/4 SW/4 equivalent) of irregular Section 30, and last take point in the Lot 1 (NW/4 NW/4 equivalent) of irregular Section 19. This proposed horizontal well spacing unit will overlap the following existing spacing units in the Bone Spring formation:
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the N/2 NE/4, NE/4 NW/4 and Lot 1 (N/2 N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Red Com BSS 4H (API: 30-015-45730) well currently operated by 3R Operating, LLC;
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the S/2 NE/4, SE/4 NW/4 and Lot 2 (S/2 N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Red Com BSS 3H (API: 30-015-39543) and Rock Ridge Red Com BSS 8H (API: 30-015-45874) wells currently operated by 3R Operating, LLC;
o    320-acres spacing unit comprised of the NW/4, E/2 NW/4, and Lots 1-2 (N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Federal BSS 7H (API: 30-015-45731) well currently operated by 3R Operating, LLC;
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the N/2 SE/4, NE/4 SW/4 and Lot 3 (N/2 S/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Malaga 30 LI Fed Com 1H (API: 30-015-42193) well currently operated by Mewbourne Oil Company; and
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the S/2 SE/4, SE/4 SW/4 and Lot 4 (S/2 S/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Malaga 30 MP Fed Com 1H (API: 30-015-41461) well currently operated by Mewbourne Oil Company.
This proposed horizontal well spacing unit will overlap the following proposed spacing unit in the Bone Spring formation:
o    320-acre spacing unit comprised of Lots 1-2, E/2 NW/4, and NE/4 (N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Federal #551H (API: 30-015-PENDING).
17. 25104 Application of OXY USA Inc. for Approval of an Overlapping Horizontal Well Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order (a) approving a standard 320-acre, more or less, overlapping horizontal well spacing unit in a portion of the Bone Spring formation, from the top of the First Bone Spring formation to the base of the First Bone Spring formation, comprised of the E/2 W/2 of irregular Sections 19 and 30, Township 24 South, Range 29 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico, and (b) pooling all uncommitted mineral owners in this acreage. This spacing unit will be initially dedicated to the SORO CC 19_30 Fed Com 12H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE/4 SW/4 (Unit N) of irregular Section 30, with a first take point in the SE/4 SW/4 (Unit N) of irregular Section 30, and last take point in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of irregular Section 19. This proposed horizontal well spacing unit will overlap the following existing spacing units in the Bone Spring formation:
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the N/2 NE/4, NE/4 NW/4 and Lot 1 (N/2 N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Red Com BSS 4H (API: 30-015-45730) well currently operated by 3R Operating, LLC;
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the S/2 NE/4, SE/4 NW/4 and Lot 2 (S/2 N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Red Com BSS 3H (API: 30-015-39543) and Rock Ridge Red Com BSS 8H (API: 30-015-45874) wells currently operated by 3R Operating, LLC;
o    320-acres spacing unit comprised of the NW/4, E/2 NW/4, and Lots 1-2 (N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Federal BSS 7H (API: 30-015-45731) well currently operated by 3R Operating, LLC;
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the N/2 SE/4, NE/4 SW/4 and Lot 3 (N/2 S/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Malaga 30 LI Fed Com 1H (API: 30-015-42193) well currently operated by Mewbourne Oil Company;
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the S/2 SE/4, SE/4 SW/4 and Lot 4 (S/2 S/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Malaga 30 MP Fed Com 1H (API: 30-015-41461) well currently operated by Mewbourne Oil Company; and
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the E/2 W/2 of irregular Section 19 dedicated to the Rustler Bluff 19 24 29 Fed 3H (API: 30-015-42593) well currently operated by SMC Oil & Gas, Inc.
This proposed horizontal well spacing unit will overlap the following proposed spacing unit in the Bone Spring formation:
o    320-acre spacing unit comprised of Lots 1-2, E/2 NW/4, and NE/4 (N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Federal #551H (API: 30-015-PENDING).
Also, to be considered will be approval of the overlapping spacing unit, the cost of drilling and completing the well and the allocation of the costs thereof, operating costs and charges for supervision, the designation of applicant as operator, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling and completing the well. Said area is approximately 4 miles southeast of Malaga, New Mexico.
18. 25105 Application of OXY USA Inc. for Approval of an Overlapping Horizontal Well Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order (a) approving a standard order (a) approving a standard 640-acre, more or less, overlapping horizontal well spacing unit in a portion of the Bone Spring formation, from the top of the First Bone Spring formation to the base of the First Bone Spring formation, comprised of the E/2 of irregular Sections 19 and 30, Township 24 South, Range 29 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico, and (b) pooling all uncommitted mineral owners in this acreage. This spacing unit will be initially dedicated to the SORO CC 19_30 Fed Com 13H and SORO CC 19_30 Fed Com 14H wells, both to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of irregular Section 19, with a first take point in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of irregular Section 19, and last take point in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of irregular Section 30. The completed interval of the SORO CC 19_30 Fed Com 14H well is expected to remain within 330 feet of the adjoining quarter-quarter section (or equivalent) tracts to allow inclusion of these proximity tracts within the proposed horizontal well spacing unit under NMAC. This proposed horizontal well spacing unit will overlap the following existing spacing units in the Bone Spring formation:
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the N/2 NE/4, NE/4 NW/4 and Lot 1 (N/2 N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Red Com BSS 4H (API: 30-015-45730) well currently operated by 3R Operating, LLC;
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the S/2 NE/4, SE/4 NW/4 and Lot 2 (S/2 N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Red Com BSS 3H (API: 30-015-39543) and Rock Ridge Red Com BSS 8H (API: 30-015-45874) wells currently operated by 3R Operating, LLC;
o    320-acres spacing unit comprised of the NW/4, E/2 NW/4, and Lots 1-2 (N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Federal BSS 7H (API: 30-015-45731) well currently operated by 3R Operating, LLC;
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the N/2 SE/4, NE/4 SW/4 and Lot 3 (N/2 S/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Malaga 30 LI Fed Com 1H (API: 30-015-42193) well currently operated by Mewbourne Oil Company; and
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the S/2 SE/4, SE/4 SW/4 and Lot 4 (S/2 S/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Malaga 30 MP Fed Com 1H (API: 30-015-41461) well currently operated by Mewbourne Oil Company.
This proposed horizontal well spacing unit will overlap the following proposed spacing unit in the Bone Spring formation:
o    320-acre spacing unit comprised of Lots 1-2, E/2 NW/4, and NE/4 (N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Federal #551H (API: 30-015-PENDING).
Also, to be considered will be approval of the overlapping spacing unit, the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the costs thereof, operating costs and charges for supervision, the designation of applicant as operator, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. Said area is approximately 4 miles southeast of Malaga, New Mexico.
19. 25106 Application of OXY USA Inc. for Approval of an Overlapping Horizontal Well Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order (a) approving a standard 317.34-acre, more or less, overlapping horizontal well spacing unit in a portion of the Bone Spring formation, from the top of the Third Bone Spring formation to the base of the Third Bone Spring formation, comprised of Lots 1-4 (W/2 W/2 equivalent) of irregular Sections 19 and 30, Township 24 South, Range 29 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico, and (b) pooling all uncommitted mineral owners in this acreage. This spacing unit will be initially dedicated to the SORO CC 19_30 Fed Com 71H and SORO CC 19_30 Fed Com 72H wells, both to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE/4 SW/4 (Unit N) of irregular Section 30, with a first take point in Lot 4 (SW/4 SW/4 equivalent) of irregular Section 30, and last take point in Lot 1 (NW/4 NW/4 equivalent) of irregular Section 19. This proposed horizontal well spacing unit will overlap the following existing spacing units in the Bone Spring formation:
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the N/2 NE/4, NE/4 NW/4 and Lot 1 (N/2 N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Red Com BSS 4H (API: 30-015-45730) well currently operated by 3R Operating, LLC;
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the S/2 NE/4, SE/4 NW/4 and Lot 2 (S/2 N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Red Com BSS 3H (API: 30-015-39543) and Rock Ridge Red Com BSS 8H (API: 30-015-45874) wells currently operated by 3R Operating, LLC;
o    320-acres spacing unit comprised of the NW/4, E/2 NW/4, and Lots 1-2 (N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Federal BSS 7H (API: 30-015-45731) well currently operated by 3R Operating, LLC;
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the N/2 SE/4, NE/4 SW/4 and Lot 3 (N/2 S/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Malaga 30 LI Fed Com 1H (API: 30-015-42193) well currently operated by Mewbourne Oil Company; and
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the S/2 SE/4, SE/4 SW/4 and Lot 4 (S/2 S/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Malaga 30 MP Fed Com 1H (API: 30-015-41461) well currently operated by Mewbourne Oil Company.
This proposed horizontal well spacing unit will overlap the following proposed spacing unit in the Bone Spring formation:
o    320-acre spacing unit comprised of Lots 1-2, E/2 NW/4, and NE/4 (N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Federal #551H (API: 30-015-PENDING).
Also, to be considered will be approval of the overlapping spacing unit, the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the costs thereof, operating costs and charges for supervision, the designation of applicant as operator, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. Said area is approximately 4 miles southeast of Malaga, New Mexico.

20. 25107 Application of OXY USA Inc. for Approval of an Overlapping Horizontal Well Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order (a) approving a standard 320-acre, more or less, overlapping horizontal well spacing unit in a portion of the Bone Spring formation, from the top of the Third Spring formation to the base of the Third Bone Spring formation, comprised of the E/2 W/2 of irregular Sections 19 and 30, Township 24 South, Range 29 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico, and (b) pooling all uncommitted mineral owners in this acreage. This spacing unit will be initially dedicated to the SORO CC 19_30 Fed Com 73H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE/4 SW/4 (Unit N) of irregular Section 30, with a first take point in the SE/4 SW/4 (Unit N) of irregular Section 30, and last take point in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of irregular Section 19. This proposed horizontal well spacing unit will overlap the following existing spacing units in the Bone Spring formation:
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the N/2 NE/4, NE/4 NW/4 and Lot 1 (N/2 N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Red Com BSS 4H (API: 30-015-45730) well currently operated by 3R Operating, LLC;
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the S/2 NE/4, SE/4 NW/4 and Lot 2 (S/2 N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Red Com BSS 3H (API: 30-015-39543) and Rock Ridge Red Com BSS 8H (API: 30-015-45874) wells currently operated by 3R Operating, LLC;
o    320-acres spacing unit comprised of the NW/4, E/2 NW/4, and Lots 1-2 (N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Federal BSS 7H (API: 30-015-45731) well currently operated by 3R Operating, LLC;
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the N/2 SE/4, NE/4 SW/4 and Lot 3 (N/2 S/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Malaga 30 LI Fed Com 1H (API: 30-015-42193) well currently operated by Mewbourne Oil Company;
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the S/2 SE/4, SE/4 SW/4 and Lot 4 (S/2 S/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Malaga 30 MP Fed Com 1H (API: 30-015-41461) well currently operated by Mewbourne Oil Company; and
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the E/2 W/2 of irregular Section 19 dedicated to the Rustler Bluff 19 24 29 Fed 3H (API: 30-015-42593) well currently operated by SMC Oil & Gas, Inc.
This proposed horizontal well spacing unit will overlap the following proposed spacing unit in the Bone Spring formation:
o    320-acre spacing unit comprised of Lots 1-2, E/2 NW/4, and NE/4 (N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Federal #551H (API: 30-015-PENDING).
Also, to be considered will be approval of the overlapping spacing unit, the cost of drilling and completing the well and the allocation of the costs thereof, operating costs and charges for supervision, the designation of applicant as operator, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling and completing the well. Said area is approximately 4 miles southeast of Malaga, New Mexico.
21. 25108 Application of OXY USA Inc. for Approval of an Overlapping Horizontal Well Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order (a) approving a standard 640-acre, more or less, overlapping horizontal well spacing unit in a portion of the Bone Spring formation, from the top of the Third Bone Spring formation to the base of the Third Bone Spring formation, comprised of the E/2 of irregular Sections 19 and 30, Township 24 South, Range 29 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico, and (b) pooling all uncommitted mineral owners in this acreage. This spacing unit will be initially dedicated to the SORO CC 19_30 Fed Com 74H, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of irregular Section 19, with a first take point in the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of irregular Section 19, and last take point in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of irregular Section 30; and SORO CC 19_30 Fed Com 75H and SORO CC 19_30 Fed Com 76H wells, both to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of irregular Section 19, with a first take point in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of irregular Section 19, and last take point in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of irregular Section 30. The completed interval of the SORO CC 19_30 Fed Com 75H well is expected to remain within 330 feet of the adjoining quarter-quarter section (or equivalent) tracts to allow inclusion of these proximity tracts within the proposed horizontal well spacing unit under NMAC. This proposed horizontal well spacing unit will overlap the following existing spacing units in the Bone Spring formation:
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the N/2 NE/4, NE/4 NW/4 and Lot 1 (N/2 N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Red Com BSS 4H (API: 30-015-45730) well currently operated by 3R Operating, LLC;
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the S/2 NE/4, SE/4 NW/4 and Lot 2 (S/2 N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Red Com BSS 3H (API: 30-015-39543) and Rock Ridge Red Com BSS 8H (API: 30-015-45874) wells currently operated by 3R Operating, LLC;
o    320-acres spacing unit comprised of the NW/4, E/2 NW/4, and Lots 1-2 (N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Federal BSS 7H (API: 30-015-45731) well currently operated by 3R Operating, LLC;
o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the N/2 SE/4, NE/4 SW/4 and Lot 3 (N/2 S/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Malaga 30 LI Fed Com 1H (API: 30-015-42193) well currently operated by Mewbourne Oil Company; and

o    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the S/2 SE/4, SE/4 SW/4 and Lot 4 (S/2 S/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Malaga 30 MP Fed Com 1H (API: 30-015-41461) well currently operated by Mewbourne Oil Company.
This proposed horizontal well spacing unit will overlap the following proposed spacing unit in the Bone Spring formation:
o    320-acre spacing unit comprised of Lots 1-2, E/2 NW/4, and NE/4 (N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 30 dedicated to the Rock Ridge Federal #551H (API: 30-015-PENDING).
Also, to be considered will be approval of the overlapping spacing unit, the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the costs thereof, operating costs and charges for supervision, the designation of applicant as operator, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. Said area is approximately 4 miles southeast of Malaga, New Mexico.

22. 25123 Application of 3R Operating, LLC for Approving a Standard Horizontal Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Division: (1) approving a 640-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing and proration unit composed of all of the N/2 of Sections 32 and 33, Township 23 South, Range 26 East, N.M.P.M.; and (2) pooling all uncommitted mineral interests in the Wolfcamp Formation, designated as an oil pool, underlying said unit. The proposed wells to be dedicated to the horizontal spacing unit are the: Crystal 33 32 Fed Comm 701H (API No. Pending), which is an oil well that will be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE/4 of Section 33 to a bottom hole location in the Wolfcamp Formation in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 32; Crystal 33 32 Fed Comm 702H (API No. Pending), which is an oil well that will be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE/4 of Section 33 to a bottom hole location in the Wolfcamp Formation in SW/4 NW/4 (Unit E) of Section 32; Crystal N 33 32 Fed Comm 801H (API No. Pending), which is an oil well that will be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE/4 of Section 33 to a bottom hole location in the Wolfcamp Formation in NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 32; and Crystal N 33 32 Fed Comm 802H (API No. Pending), which is an oil well that will be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE/4 of Section 33 to a bottom hole location in the Wolfcamp Formation in SW/4NW/4 (Unit E) of Section 32. The wells are orthodox in location, and the take points and laterals comply with Statewide Rules for setbacks. The wells and lands are located approximately 6 miles southwest from Carlsbad, New Mexico.
23. 25124 Application of 3R Operating, LLC for Approving a Standard Horizontal Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Division: (1) approving a 640-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing and proration unit composed of all of the S/2 of Sections 32 and 33, Township 23 South, Range 26 East, N.M.P.M.; and (2) pooling all uncommitted mineral interests in the Wolfcamp Formation, designated as an oil pool, underlying said unit. The proposed wells to be dedicated to the horizontal spacing unit are the: Crystal SW 33 32 Fed Comm 703H (API No. Pending), which is an oil well that will be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE/4 of Section 33 to a bottom hole location in the Wolfcamp Formation in the NW/4 SW/4 (Unit L) of Section 32; Crystal SW 33 32 Fed Com 803H (API No. Pending), which is an oil well that will be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE/4 of Section 33 to a bottom hole location in the Wolfcamp Formation in NW/4 SW/4 (Unit L) of Section 32; and Crystal SW 33 32 Fed Com 804H (API No. Pending), which is an oil well that will be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE/4 of Section 33 to a bottom hole location in the Wolfcamp Formation in SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 32. The wells are orthodox in location, and the take points and laterals comply with Statewide Rules for setbacks. The wells and lands are located approximately 6 miles southwest from Carlsbad, New Mexico.
24. 24941 Application of Read & Stevens, Inc. for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling all uncommitted interests in a portion of the Bone Spring formation, from the top of the Bone Spring formation to the base of the Second Bone Spring formation, underlying a standard 320-acre, more or less, horizontal well spacing unit comprised of the S/2 N/2 of Sections 14 and 15, Township 18 South, Range 31 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the proposed Slim Jim 14-15 Fed Com 122H and Slim Jim 14-15 Fed Com 123H wells, both to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE/4 NE/4 (Unit H) of Section 14, with a first take point in the SE/4 NE/4 (Unit H) of Section 14, and a last take point in the SW/4 NW/4 (Unit E) of Section 15. Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Permian Resources Operating, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 8.5 miles southwest of Maljamar, New Mexico.
25. 24942 Application of Read & Stevens, Inc. for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling all uncommitted interests in a portion of the Bone Spring formation, from the top of the Bone Spring formation to the base of the Second Bone Spring formation, underlying a standard 640-acre, more or less, horizontal well spacing unit comprised of the S/2 of Sections 14 and 15, Township 18 South, Range 31 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the proposed Slim Jim 14-15 Fed Com 124H and Slim Jim 14-15 Fed Com 125H wells, both to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE/4 SE/4 (Unit I) of Section 14, with a first take point in the NE/4 SE/4 (Unit I) of Section 14, and a last take point in the NW/4 SW/4 (Unit L) of Section 15; and Slim Jim 14-15 Fed Com 126H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE/4 SE/4 (Unit I) of Section 14, with a first take point in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 14, and a last take point in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 15. Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Permian Resources Operating, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 8.5 miles southwest of Maljamar, New Mexico.
26. 24994 Application of V-F Petroleum Inc. for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests in the Bone Spring formation, designated as an oil pool, underlying a standard 320-acre, more or less, spacing unit comprised of the S/2 S/2 of Sections 16 and 15, Township 18 South, Range 31 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. The proposed wells to be dedicated to the horizontal spacing unit are the Rainier 16-15 Fed Com #221H Well, an oil well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NW/4 SW/4 (Unit L) of Section 16 to a bottom hole location in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 15; and the Rainier 16-15 Fed Com #231H Well, an oil well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NW/4 SW/4 (Unit L) of Section 16 to a bottom hole location in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 15. The proposed wells will be orthodox, and their take points and completed intervals will comply with the setback requirements under statewide Rules. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the costs thereof; actual operating costs and charges for supervision; the designation of the Applicant as Operator of the wells and unit; and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. The wells and lands are located approximately 31 miles southeast of Artesia, New Mexico.
27. 24995 Application of V-F Petroleum Inc. for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests in the Bone Spring formation, designated as an oil pool, underlying a standard 320-acre, more or less, spacing unit comprised of the N/2 S/2 of Sections 16 and 15, Township 18 South, Range 31 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. The proposed wells to be dedicated to the horizontal spacing unit are the Rainier 16-15 Fed Com #222H Well, an oil well, to be
horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NW/4 SW/4 (Unit L) of Section 16 to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 SE/4 (Unit I) of Section 15; and the Rainier 16-15 Fed Com #232H Well, an oil well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NW/4 SW/4 (Unit L) of
Section 16 to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 SE/4 (Unit I) of Section 15. The proposed wells will be orthodox, and their take points and completed intervals will comply with the setback requirements under statewide Rules. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and
completing the wells and the allocation of the costs thereof; actual operating costs and charges for supervision; the designation of the Applicant as Operator of the wells and unit; and a 200% charge
for the risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. The wells and lands are located approximately 31 miles southeast of Artesia, New Mexico.
28. 25115 Application of V-F Petroleum Inc. for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests in the Third Bone Spring formation, from the top of the Third Bone Spring, at a depth of 8,914’ beneath the surface, to the base of the Third Bone Spring formation, which has a depth of 9,516’ beneath the surface, as shown in that certain Dual Lateralog, Micro Laterlog, Gamma Ray well log in the Tamano 15 Fed Com #2 well (API # 30-015-33398), located in Sec.
15, Township 18 South, Rage 31 East, Eddy County, New Mexico, designated as an oil pool, underlying a standard 320-acre, more or less, spacing unit comprised of the N/2 N/2 of Sections 16 and 15, Township 18 South, Range 31 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. The proposed well to be dedicated to the horizontal spacing unit is the Rainier 16-15 Fed Com #234H Well, an oil well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 16 to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 15. The proposed well will be orthodox, and its take points and completed interval will comply with the setback requirements under statewide Rules. Also to be considered will be the approval of an overlapping unit involving the Tamano 15 AD Fed Com #1H Well (API No. 30-015-40868); the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the costs thereof; actual operating costs and charges for
supervision; the designation of the Applicant as Operator of the well and unit; and a 200% charge
for the risk involved in drilling and completing the well. The well and lands are located
approximately 31 miles southeast of Artesia, New Mexico.
29. 25116 Application of V-F Petroleum Inc. for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico.
Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted
mineral interests in the First and Second Bone Spring formations, designated as an oil pool, from
the top of the First Bone Spring formation, at an approximate depth of 6,048’ beneath the surface,
to the base of the Second Bone Spring formation, at an approximate depth of 8,913’ beneath the
surface, as shown in that certain Dual Lateralog, Micro Laterlog, Gamma Ray well log in the
Tamano 15 Fed Com #2 well (API # 30-015-33398), located in Sec. 15, Township 18 South, Rage
31 East, Eddy County, New Mexico, underlying a standard 320-acre, more or less, spacing unit
comprised of the S/2 N/2 of Sections 16 and 15, Township 18 South, Range 31 East, NMPM, Eddy
County, New Mexico. The proposed well to be dedicated to the horizontal spacing unit is the
Rainier 16-15 Fed Com #223H Well, an oil well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location
in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 16 to a bottom hole location in the SE/4 NE/4 (Unit H) of
Section 15. The proposed well will be orthodox, and its take points and completed interval will
comply with the setback requirements under statewide rules. Also to be considered will be the cost
of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the costs thereof; actual operating costs
and charges for supervision; the designation of the Applicant as Operator of the wells and unit;
and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. The wells and lands
are located approximately 31 miles southeast of Artesia, New Mexico.
30. 25117 Application of V-F Petroleum Inc. for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico.
Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted
mineral interests in the Third Bone Spring, at a depth of 8,914’ beneath the surface, to the base of
the Third Bone Spring formation, which has a depth of 9,516’ beneath the surface, as shown in
that certain Dual Lateralog, Micro Laterlog, Gamma Ray well log in the Tamano 15 Fed Com #2
well (API # 30-015-33398), located in Sec. 15, Township 18 South, Rage 31 East, Eddy County,
New Mexico, designated as an oil pool, underlying a standard 320-acre, more or less, spacing unit
comprised of the S/2 N/2 of Sections 16 and 15, Township 18 South, Range 31 East, NMPM, Eddy
County, New Mexico. The proposed well to be dedicated to the horizontal spacing unit is the
Rainier 16-15 Fed Com #233H Well, an oil well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location
in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 16 to a bottom hole location in the SE/4 NE/4 (Unit H) of
Section 15. The proposed well will be orthodox, and its take points and completed interval will
comply with the setback requirements under statewide rules. Also to be considered will be the cost
of drilling and completing the well and the allocation of the costs thereof; actual operating costs
and charges for supervision; the designation of the Applicant as Operator of the well and unit; and
a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. The well and lands are
located approximately 31 miles southeast of Artesia, New Mexico.
31. 25145 Application of Read & Stevens, Inc. for Approval an Overlapping Horizontal Well Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order (1) approving a 320-acre, more or less, overlapping horizontal well spacing unit in a portion of the Bone Spring formation, from the top of the Third Bone Spring formation to the base of the Bone Spring formation, underlying the N/2 N/2 of Sections 14 and 15, Township 18 South, Range 31 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico, and (2) pooling all uncommitted interests in this acreage. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the proposed Slim Jim 14-15 Fed Com 131H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 14, with a first take point in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 14, and a last take point in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 15. This proposed horizontal well spacing unit will overlap the following existing spacing unit in the Bone Spring formation:
•    160-acre spacing unit comprised of the N/2 N/2 of Section 15, T18S-R31E, dedicated to the Tamano 15 AD Federal 1H (API: 30-015-40868) well currently operated by Mewbourne Oil Company.
    Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the well and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Permian Resources Operating, LLC as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. Said area is located approximately 8.5 miles southwest of Maljamar, New Mexico.

32. 25146 Application of Read & Stevens, Inc. for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling all uncommitted interests in a portion of the Bone Spring formation, from the top of the Third Bone Spring formation to the base of the Bone Spring formation, underlying the S/2 N/2 of Sections 14 and 15, Township 18 South, Range 31 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the proposed Slim Jim 14-15 Fed Com 132H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NW/4 SW/4 (Unit L) of Section 13, with a first take point in the SE/4 NE/4 (Unit H) of Section 14, and a last take point in the SW/4 NW/4 (Unit E) of Section 15. Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the well and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Permian Resources Operating, LLC as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. Said area is located approximately 8.5 miles southwest of Maljamar, New Mexico.
33. 25147 Application of Read & Stevens, Inc. for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling all uncommitted interests in a portion of the Bone Spring formation, from the top of the Third Bone Spring formation to the base of the Bone Spring formation, underlying the N/2 S/2 of Sections 14 and 15, Township 18 South, Range 31 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the proposed Slim Jim 14-15 Fed Com 133H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 15, with a first take point in the NW/4 SW/4 (Unit L) of Section 15, and a last take point in the NE/4 SE/4 (Unit I) of Section 14. Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the well and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Permian Resources Operating, LLC as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. Said area is located approximately 8.5 miles southwest of Maljamar, New Mexico.
34. 25148 Application of Read & Stevens, Inc. for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling all uncommitted interests in a portion of the Bone Spring formation, from the top of the Third Bone Spring formation to the base of the Bone Spring formation, underlying the S/2 S/2 of Sections 14 and 15, Township 18 South, Range 31 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the proposed Slim Jim 14-15 Fed Com 134H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 15 with a first take point in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 15, and a last take point in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 14. Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the well and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Permian Resources Operating, LLC as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. Said area is located approximately 8.5 miles southwest of Maljamar, New Mexico.
35. 24996 Application of Tap Rock Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling a standard 1280 acre, more or less, horizontal well spacing unit in the Wolfcamp formation comprised of W/2 of Section 17, Township 26 South, Range 26 East; the E/2 of Section 18, Township 26 South, Range 26 East; the E/2 of Section 19, Township 26 South, Range 26 East; and the W/2 of Section 20, Township 26 South, Range 26 East, N.M.P.M., Eddy County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be initially dedicated to the proposed Coors Fed Com 211H, 212H, 213H and 214H wells to be horizontally drilled as follows:

•    Coors Fed Com #211H, which will be drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 17 to a bottom hole located 990' From the West Line of Section 20 (Unit M).
•    Coors Fed Com #212H, which will be drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 17 to a bottom hole located 2,310’ From the West Line of Section 20 (Unit N).
•    Coors Fed Com #213H, which will be drilled from a surface hole location in the NW/4NW/4 of Section 17 (Unit D) to a bottom hole located 1,650’ From the East Line of Section 19 (Unit O).
•    Coors Fed Com #214H, which will be drilled from a surface hole location in the NW/4NW/4 of Section 17 (Unit D) to a bottom hole located 280’ From the East Line of Section 19 (Unit P).

Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Tap Rock Operating, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. The subject area is located approximately 9.25 miles southeast of Whites City, New Mexico.
36. 25114 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling all uncommitted interests in the Wolfcamp formation underlying a standard 634.28-acre, more or less, horizontal well spacing unit comprised of the Lots 1 & 2, E/2 NW/4 and NE/4 (N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 19, and the N/2 of Section 20, Township 22 South, Range 27 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the proposed Carlsbad CL 20 Fee 221H well, be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 21, with a first take point in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 20 and last take point in Lot 1 (NW/4 NW/4 equivalent) of irregular Section 19; and the Carlsbad CL 20 Fee 222H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 21, with a first take point in the SE/4 NE/4 (Unit H) of Section 20 and last take point in Lot 2 (SW/4 NW/4 equivalent) of Section irregular 19. Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Applicant as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. The proposed laterals fall within the city limits of Carlsbad, New Mexico.

37. 25113 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling all uncommitted interests in a portion of the Bone Spring formation, from the top of the Bone Spring formation underlying a standard 317.15-acre, more or less, horizontal well spacing unit comprised of Lot 2, SE/4 NW/4, S/2 NE/4 (S/2 N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 19, and the S/2 N/2 of Section 20, Township 22 South, Range 27 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the proposed Carlsbad CL 20 Fee 122H and Carlsbad CL 20 Fee 132H wells, both to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 21, with a first take point in the SE/4 NE/4 (Unit H) of Section 20 and last take point in Lot 2 (SW/4 NW/4 equivalent) of Section irregular 19. Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Applicant as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. The proposed laterals fall within the city limits of Carlsbad, New Mexico.

38. 25112 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling all uncommitted interests in a portion of the Bone Spring formation, from the top of the Bone Spring formation underlying a standard 317.13-acre, more or less, horizontal well spacing unit comprised of Lot 1, NE/4 NW/4 and N/2 NE/4 (N/2 N/2 equivalent) of irregular Section 19, and the N/2 N/2 of Section 20, Township 22 South, Range 27 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the proposed Carlsbad CL 20 Fee 121H and Carlsbad CL 20 Fee 131H wells, both to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 21, with a first take point in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 20 and last take point in Lot 1 (NW/4 NW/4 equivalent) of irregular Section 19. Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Applicant as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. The proposed laterals fall within the city limits of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
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