OCD Permitting

PRELIMINARY DOCKET: Examiner Hearing for Thursday, May 16, 2024

Applications for hearing shall be filed at least thirty (30) days in advance of the hearing date. A party who intends to present evidence shall file a pre-hearing statement no later than the close of business on the Thursday prior to the hearing date and serve a copy on the other parties, if any. The hearing examiner will dismiss the application if the applicant does not file and serve a pre-hearing statement as specified above. A party desiring to use projection equipment at the hearing shall contact Florene Davidson, OCD Clerk, no later than seven (7) business days prior to the hearing.

NOTICE: The hearing examiner may call the following cases in any order in his or her discretion.

Case No. Description
1. 23823 Application of Texas Standard Operating NM LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Texas Standard Operating NM LLC seeks an order pooling all uncommitted mineral interest owners in the Upper Penn Shale formation underlying a horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2SE/4 of Section 11, W/2E/2 of Section 14, and W/2NE/4 of Section 23, Township 17 South, Range 36 East, N.M.P.M. The unit will be dedicated to the Lap Dog State Well Nos. 1H and 2H, which have first take points in the SW/4NE/4 of Section 23 and last take points in the NW/4SE/4 of Section 11. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling, completing, testing, and equipping the wells and the allocation of the cost thereof, as well as actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of applicant as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling, completing, testing, and equipping the wells. The unit is located approximately 8 miles south-southeast of Lovington, New Mexico.
2. 23824 Application of Texas Standard Operating NM LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Texas Standard Operating NM LLC seeks an order pooling all uncommitted mineral interest owners in the Upper Penn Shale formation underlying a horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2SE/4 of Section 11, E/2E/2 of Section 14, and E/2NE/4 of Section 23, Township 17 South, Range 36 East, N.M.P.M. The unit will be dedicated to the Lap Dog State Well Nos. 3H and 4H, which have first take points in the SE/4NE/4 of Section 23 and last take points in the NE/4SE/4 of Section 11. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling, completing, testing, and equipping the wells and the allocation of the cost thereof, as well as actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of applicant as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling, completing, testing, and equipping the wells. The unit is located approximately 8 miles south-southeast of Lovington, New Mexico.
3. 24121 Application of Spur Energy Partners LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order pooling all uncommitted interests in the Yeso formation underlying a 320-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the SW/4 of Section 27 and the SE/4 of Section 28, Township 19 South, Range 25 East, Eddy County, New Mexico (“Unit”). Applicant seeks to dedicate the Unit to the following proposed wells (“Wells”): the Live Oak 27-28 State Com 20H and Live Oak 27-28 State Com 50H wells, to be drilled from surface hole locations in the NW/4 SE/4 (Unit J) of Section 27 to bottom hole locations in the NW/4 SE/4 (Unit J) of Section 28; and Live Oak 27-28 State Com 21H, Live Oak 27-28 State Com 30H, and Live Oak 27-28 State Com 70H wells, to be drilled from surface hole locations in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 27 to bottom hole locations in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 28. The completed intervals of the wells will be orthodox. The completed interval of the Live Oak 27-28 State Com 30H well will be located within 330’ of the quarter-quarter section line separating the N/2 S/2 and S/2 S/2 of Sections 27 and 28 to allow for the creation of a 320-acre standard horizontal spacing unit. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as the operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The Wells are located approximately 14.78 miles South and 4.26 miles West of Artesia, New Mexico.
4. 24195 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 320-acre, more or less, Wolfcamp horizontal spacing unit comprising the W/2 E/2 of Sections 20 and 29, Township 18 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to following wells: the Ball State Com 703H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 32 to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 20; and the Ball State Com 803H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 32 to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 20. The producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 17 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
5. 24196 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling and, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 320-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprising the W/2 E/2 of Sections 20 and 29, Township 18 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. Franklin also seeks, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the following wells: the Ball State Com 303H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 32 to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 20; and the Ball State Com 603H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 32 to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 20. The producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. The proposed horizontal spacing unit will overlap with the following existing Bone Spring spacing units:
•    A 160-acre horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 E/2 of Section 20 dedicated to Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC’s Ironhouse 20 State #001H #001H well (API 30-025-40611); and
•    A 160-acre horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 E/2 of Section 29 dedicated to Marathon Oil Permian LLC’s Nighthawk State Com #003H well (API 30-025-41950).
Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 17 miles West of Hobbs, New Mexico.
6. 24197 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 320-acre, more or less, Wolfcamp horizontal spacing unit comprising the E/2 E/2 of Sections 20 and 29, Township 18 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Ball State Com 704H and Ball State Com 804H wells to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 32 to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 20. The producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 17 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
7. 24207 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling and, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 320-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprising the E/2 E/2 of Sections 20 and 29, Township 18 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. Franklin also seeks, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Ball State Com 304H and Ball State Com 604H wells to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 32 to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 20. The producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. The proposed horizontal spacing unit will overlap with a 160-acre horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 E/2 of Section 20 dedicated to Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC’s Ironhouse 20 State #002H well (API 30-025-40748). Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 17 miles West of Hobbs, New Mexico.
8. 24200 Application of MRC Permian Company for Approval of an Overlapping Horizontal Well Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order (a) approving a standard 400-acre, more or less, overlapping horizontal well spacing unit in the Bone Spring formation comprised of the W/2 SE/4 of Section 3 and the W/2 E/2 of Sections 10 and 15, Township 25 South, Range 34 East, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico, and (b) pooling this proposed horizontal well spacing unit. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the proposed Mark M. #123H, Mark M. #134H, and Mark M. #135H wells, all to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the S/2 SE/4 of Section 15, with a first take point in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 15 and a last take point in the NW/4 SE/4 (Unit J) of Section 3. This horizontal well spacing unit will overlap the following existing Bone Spring spacing unit:
•    240-acre horizontal well spacing unit comprised of the W/2 SE/4 of Section 3 and the W/2 E/2 of Section 10, dedicated to EOG Resources, Inc.’s Osprey 10 #303H (API: 30-025-46452).
    Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Matador Production Company as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 15 miles northwest of Jal, New Mexico.
9. 24202 Application of MRC Permian Company for Approval of an Overlapping Horizontal Well Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order (a) approving a standard 400-acre, more or less, overlapping horizontal well spacing unit in the Bone Spring formation comprised of the E/2 SE/4 of Section 3 and the E/2 E/2 of Sections 10 and 15, Township 25 South, Range 34 East, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico, and (b) pooling this proposed horizontal well spacing unit. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the proposed Mark M. #124H, Mark M. #136H, Mark M. #137H, and Mark M. #138H wells, all to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the S/2 SE/4 of Section 15, with a first take point in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 15 and a last take point in the NE/4 SE/4 (Unit I) of Section 3. This horizontal well spacing unit will overlap the following existing Bone Spring spacing unit:
•    240-acre horizontal well spacing unit comprised of the E/2 SE/4 of Section 3 and the E/2 E/2 of Section 10, dedicated to EOG Resources, Inc.’s Osprey 10 #304H (API: 30-025-46454).
    Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Matador Production Company as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 15 miles northwest of Jal, New Mexico.

10. 24284 Application of COG Operating LLC for Compulsory Pooling and Approval of Non-Standard Spacing Unit, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order: (1) establishing an 1,894.72-acre, more or less, non-standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of Sections 18, 19, and 30, Township 23 South, Range 33 East, Lea County, New Mexico (“Unit”); and (2) pooling all uncommitted interests in the Wolfcamp formation underlying the Unit. Applicant seeks to dedicate the Unit to the following proposed wells (“Wells”):

Meat Lover Federal Com #601H well, which will be drilled from a surface hole location in Unit A (NE/4 NE/4) of Section 18 to a bottom hole location in Unit P (SE/4 SE/4) of Section 30;

Meat Lover Federal Com #602H well, which will be drilled from a surface hole location in Unit A (NE/4 NE/4) of Section 18 to a bottom hole location in Unit O (SW/4 SE/4) of Section 30;

Meat Lover Federal Com #603H well, which will be drilled from a surface hole location in Unit B (NW/4 NE/4) of Section 18 to a bottom hole location in Unit P (SE/4 SE/4) of Section 30;

Meat Lover Federal Com #605H well, which will be drilled from a surface hole location in Unit C (NE/4 NW/4) of Section 18 to a bottom hole location in Unit O (SW/4 SE/4) of Section 30;

Meat Lover Federal Com #606H well, which will be drilled from a surface hole location in Unit C (NE/4 NW/4) of Section 18 to a bottom hole location in Lot 4 (SW/4 SW/4 equivalent) of Section 30;

Meat Lover Federal Com #607H well, which will be drilled from a surface hole location in Lot 1 (NW/4 NW/4 equivalent) of Section 18 to a bottom hole location in Unit N (SE/4 SW/4) of Section 30; and

Meat Lover Federal Com #608H well, which will be drilled from a surface hole location in Lot 1 (NW/4 NW/4 equivalent) of Section 18 to a bottom hole location in Lot 4 (SW/4 SW/4 equivalent) of Section 30.

The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells.

The Wells are located approximately 26 miles southeast of Eunice, New Mexico.
11. 24286 Application of COG Operating LLC for Compulsory Pooling and Approval of Non-Standard Spacing Unit, Eddy County, New Mexico. COG Operating LLC (“Applicant”) seeks an order: (1) establishing a 1,600-acre, more or less, non-standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of Sections 11, 14, and the N/2 of Section 23, Township 23 South, Range 30 East, Eddy County, New Mexico (“Unit”); and (2) pooling all uncommitted interests in the Wolfcamp formation underlying the Unit. Applicant seeks to dedicate the Unit to the following proposed wells (“Wells”): Thunderdome Federal Com #701H and Thunderdome Federal Com #702H, which will be drilled from surface hole locations in the NE/4 SW/4 (Unit K) of Section 23 to bottom hole locations in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 11; Thunderdome Federal Com #703H, Thunderdome Federal Com #704H, and Thunderdome Federal Com #705H, which will be drilled from surface hole locations in the NE/4 SW/4 (Unit K) of Section 23 to bottom hole locations in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 11; Thunderdome Federal Com #706H, Thunderdome Federal Com #707H, and Thunderdome Federal Com #708H, which will be drilled from surface hole locations in the NW/4 SE/4 (Unit J) of Section 23 to bottom hole locations in the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 11; and Thunderdome Federal Com #709H and Thunderdome Federal Com #710H, which will be drilled from surface hole locations in the NW/4 SE/4 (Unit J) of Section 23 to bottom hole locations in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 11. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The Wells are located approximately 14.4 miles east of Loving, New Mexico.
12. 24394 Application of Novo Oil & Gas Northern Delaware, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Novo Oil & Gas Northern Delaware, LLC (“Novo” or “Applicant”) applies for an order pooling all uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation underlying a 160.2-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 W/2 of Section 4, Township 23 South, Range 28 East, Eddy County, New Mexico (“Unit”). The Unit will be dedicated to the Goonch Federal Com 111H and Goonch Federal Com 121H wells (“Wells”), which will be drilled from surface hole locations in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 4 to bottom hole locations in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 4. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The Wells are located approximately 9.5 miles southeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
13. 24395 Application of Novo Oil & Gas Northern Delaware, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Novo Oil & Gas Northern Delaware, LLC (“Novo” or “Applicant”) applies for an order pooling all uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation underlying a 160.21-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 W/2 of Section 4, Township 23 South, Range 28 East, Eddy County, New Mexico (“Unit”). The Unit will be dedicated to the Goonch Federal Com 112H and Goonch Federal Com 122H wells (“Wells”), which will be drilled from surface hole locations in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 4 to bottom hole locations in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 4. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The Wells are located approximately 9.5 miles southeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
14. 24407 Application of Matador Production Company to Amend Order No. R-22757, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks a year extension of time for drilling the well under Order No. R-22757. The Unit is comprised of the N/2 N/2 of Sections 25 and 26, Township 21 South, Range 27 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Order No. R-22757 pooled the uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation and dedicated the Unit to the proposed initial Whitby 2526 Fed Com #121H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 25, to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 26. Said area is located 5 miles northeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
15. 24408 Application of Matador Production Company to Amend Order No. R-22719, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks a year extension of time for drilling the well under Order No. R-22719. The Unit is comprised of the S/2 N/2 of Sections 25 and 26, Township 21 South, Range 27 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Order No. R-22719 pooled the uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation and dedicated the Unit to the proposed initial Whitby 2526 Fed Com #122H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 25, to a bottom hole location in the SW/4 NW/4 (Unit E) of Section 26. Said area is located 5 miles northeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico.

16. 24409 Application of Matador Production Company to Amend Order No. R-22720, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks a year extension of time for drilling the well under Order No. R-22720. The Unit is comprised of the N/2 S/2 of Sections 25 and 26, Township 21 South, Range 27 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Order No. R-22720 pooled the uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation and dedicated the Unit to the proposed initial Whitby 2526 Fed Com #123H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE/4 SE/4 (Unit I) of Section 25, to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 SW/4 (Unit L) of Section 26. Said area is located 5 miles northeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico.

17. 24410 Application of Matador Production Company to Amend Order No. R-22721, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks a year extension of time for drilling the well under Order No. R-22721. The Unit is comprised of the S/2 S/2 of Sections 25 and 26, Township 21 South, Range 27 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Order No. R-22721 pooled the uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation and dedicated the Unit to the proposed initial Whitby 2526 Fed Com #124H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE/4 SE/4 (Unit I) of Section 25, to a bottom hole location in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 26. Said area is located 5 miles northeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico.

18. 24411 Application of Matador Production Company to Amend Order No. R-22758, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks a year extension of time for drilling the well under Order No. R-22758. The Unit is comprised of the N/2 of Sections 25 and 26, Township 21 South, Range 27 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Order No. R-22758 pooled the uncommitted interests in the Wolfcamp formation and dedicated the Unit to the proposed initial Whitby 2526 Fed Com #201H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 25, to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 26, and Whitby 2526 Fed Com #202H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 25, to a bottom hole location in the SW/4 NW/4 (Unit E) of Section 26. Said area is located 5 miles northeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico
19. 24412 Application of Matador Production Company to Amend Order No. R-22759, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks a year extension of time for drilling the well under Order No. R-22759. The Unit is comprised of the S/2 of Sections 25 and 26, Township 21 South, Range 27 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Order No. R-22759 pooled the uncommitted interests in the Wolfcamp formation and dedicated the Unit to the proposed initial Whitby 2526 Fed Com #203H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE/4 SE/4 (Unit I) of Section 25, to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 SW/4 (Unit L) of Section 26, and Whitby 2526 Fed Com #204H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE/4 SE/4 (Unit I) of Section 25, to a bottom hole location in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 26. Said area is located 5 miles northeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
20. 24413 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Oil Conservation Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests in the Bone Spring formation (ESPERANZA; BONESPRING [97755]) in a standard 320-acre, more or less, horizontal spacing and proration unit (“HSU”) comprised of the N/2 N/2 of Sections 8 and 9, all in Township 22 South, Range 26 East, in Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant proposes to drill the following 2-mile wells in the HSU: (1) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 111H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 990’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; (2) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 121H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 330’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; and (3) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 131H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 330’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E. The completed intervals and first and last take points will meet the setback requirements set forth in the statewide rules for horizontal oil wells. Additional considerations will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and allocation of such costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the HSU and wells to be drilled thereon, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. The wells and lands are located approximately 4 miles West of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
21. 24414 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Oil Conservation Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests in the Bone Spring formation (ESPERANZA; BONESPRING [97755]) in a standard 320-acre, more or less, horizontal spacing and proration unit (“HSU”) comprised of the N/2 S/2 of Sections 8 and 9, all in Township 22 South, Range 26 East, in Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant proposes to drill the following 2-mile wells in the HSU: (1) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 113H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 1,650’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; (2) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 123H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 2,310’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; and (3) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 133H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 2,310’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E. The completed intervals and first and last take points will meet the setback requirements set forth in the statewide rules for horizontal oil wells. Additional considerations will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and allocation of such costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the HSU and wells to be drilled thereon, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. The wells and lands are located approximately 4 miles West of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
22. 24415 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Oil Conservation Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests in the Bone Spring formation (ESPERANZA; BONESPRING [97755]) in a standard 320-acre, more or less, horizontal spacing and proration unit (“HSU”) comprised of the S/2 N/2 of Sections 8 and 9, all in Township 22 South, Range 26 East, in Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant proposes to drill the following 2-mile wells in the HSU: (1) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 112H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 2,310’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; (2) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 122H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 1,650’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; and (3) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 132H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 1,650’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E. The completed intervals and first and last take points will meet the setback requirements set forth in the statewide rules for horizontal oil wells. Additional considerations will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and allocation of such costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the HSU and wells to be drilled thereon, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. The wells and lands are located approximately 4 miles West of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
23. 24417 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Oil Conservation Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests in the Bone Spring formation (ESPERANZA; BONESPRING [97755]) in a standard 320-acre, more or less, horizontal spacing and proration unit (“HSU”) comprised of the S/2 S/2 of Sections 8 and 9, all in Township 22 South, Range 26 East, in Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant proposes to drill the following 2-mile wells in the HSU: (1) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 114H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 330’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; (2) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 124H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 990’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; and (3) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 134H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 990’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E. The completed intervals and first and last take points will meet the setback requirements set forth in the statewide rules for horizontal oil wells. Additional considerations will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and allocation of such costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the HSU and wells to be drilled thereon, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. The wells and lands are located approximately 4 miles West of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
24. 24418 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Oil Conservation Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests in the Wolfcamp formation (PURPLE SAGE; WOLFCAMP (GAS) [98220]) in a standard 640-acre, more or less, horizontal spacing and proration unit (“HSU”) comprised of the S/2 of Section 8 and Section 9, T22S-R26E, in Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant proposes to drill the following 2-mile wells in the HSU: (1) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 223H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 1,650’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; (2) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 224H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 330’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; (3) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 423H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 2,310’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; and (4) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 424H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 990’ FSL of Section 8, T22S-R26E. The completed intervals will meet the setback requirements set forth in the special rules for the Purple Sage Wolfcamp. Permian will seek administrative approval for non-standard locations of the first and last take points. Additional considerations will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and allocation of such costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the HSU and wells to be drilled thereon, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. The wells and lands are located approximately 4 miles West of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
25. 24419 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Oil Conservation Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests in the Wolfcamp formation (PURPLE SAGE; WOLFCAMP (GAS) [98220]) in a standard 640-acre, more or less, horizontal spacing and proration unit (“HSU”) comprised of the N/2 of Section 8 and Section 9, T22S-R26E, in Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant proposes to drill the following 2-mile wells in the HSU: (1) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 221H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 990’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; (2) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 222H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 2,310’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; (3) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 421H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 330’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E; and (4) Mudshark 9 Fed Com 422H well, to be horizontally drilled from an approximate surface hole location in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 10, T22S-R26E, to an approximate bottom hole location 100’ FWL and 1,650’ FNL of Section 8, T22S-R26E. The completed intervals will meet the setback requirements set forth in the special rules for the Purple Sage Wolfcamp. Permian will seek administrative approval for non-standard locations of the first and last take points. Additional considerations will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and allocation of such costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the HSU and wells to be drilled thereon, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. The wells and lands are located approximately 4 miles West of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
26. 24432 Application of Empire New Mexico LLC to Revoke the Injection Authority Granted Under Administrative Order SWD-1750 for the P 15 #001 SWD Well Operated by OWL SWD Operating, LLC, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order revoking the injection authority granted by Administrative Order SWD-1750, to dispose of produced water in the P 15 #001 well, API# 30-025-46579 (“Well”), a produced water disposal well located 58’ FSL and 988’ FEL of Section 15, Township 21 South, Range 36 East, NMPM, in Lea County, NM, near the unitized interval of the Arrowhead Grayburg Unit, which is operated by Applicant. The approved injection zone is within the San Andres formation, an interval which is potentially productive of hydrocarbons since the advent of horizontal drilling. The Well is located approximately 5.5 miles northwest of Eunice, New Mexico.
27. 24433 Application of Empire New Mexico LLC to Revoke the Injection Authority Granted Under Order No. R-1647 for the EME SWD #033M Operated by Rice Operating Company, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order revoking the injection authority, granted by Order No. R-1647 to dispose of produced water in the EME SWD #033M, API# 30-025-12786 (“Well”), a produced water disposal well located 165’ FSL and 165’ FWL of Section 33, Township 20 South, Range 37 East, NMPM, in Lea County, NM, near the unitized interval of the Eunice Monument South Unit, which is operated by Applicant. The approved injection zone is within the San Andres formation, an interval which is potentially productive of hydrocarbons since the advent of horizontal drilling. The Well is located approximately 8 miles northwest of Eunice, New Mexico.
28. 24434 Application of Empire New Mexico LLC to Revoke the Injection Authority Granted Under Order No. R-3102 for the EME SWD #021 Operated by Rice Operating Company, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order revoking the injection authority granted by Order No. R-3102, to dispose of produced water in the EME SWD #021, API# 30-025-21852 (“Well”), a produced water disposal well located 1520’ FSL and 440’ FWL (Unit L) of Section 32, Township 21 South, Range 36 East, NMPM, in Lea County, NM, within the unitized interval of the Eunice Monument South Unit, which is operated by Applicant. The approved injection zone is within the San Andres formation, an interval which is potentially productive of hydrocarbons since the advent of horizontal drilling. The Well is located approximately 7 miles west of Eunice, New Mexico.
29. 24435 Application of Empire New Mexico LLC to Revoke the Injection Authority Granted Under Administrative Order SWD-985-A for the State E Tract 27 #001 Well Operated by Rice Operating Company, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order revoking the injection authority granted by Administrative Order SWD-985-A, to dispose of produced water in the State E Tract 27 #001 well, API# 30-025-26317 (“Well”), a produced water disposal well located 430’ FSL and 1,980’ FWL of Section 18, Township 21 South, Range 37 East, NMPM, in Lea County, NM, near the unitized interval of the Eunice Monument South Unit, which is operated by Applicant. The approved injection zone is within the San Andres formation, an interval which is potentially productive of hydrocarbons since the advent of horizontal drilling. The Well is located approximately 3 miles northwest of Eunice, New Mexico.
30. 24436 Application of Empire New Mexico LLC to Revoke the Injection Authority Granted Under Administrative Order SWD-1754 for the N 11 #001 Well Operated by Permian Line Service, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order revoking the injection authority granted by Administrative Order SWD-1754, to dispose of produced water in the N 11 #001 well, API# 30-025-46577 (“Well”), a produced water disposal well located 243’ FSL and 2,455’ FWL of Section 11, Township 21 South, Range 36 East, NMPM, in Lea County, NM, within the unitized interval of the Eunice Monument South Unit, which is operated by Applicant. The approved injection zone is within the San Andres formation, an interval which is potentially productive of hydrocarbons since the advent of horizontal drilling. The Well is located approximately 5 miles northwest of Eunice, New Mexico.
31. 24437 Application of Empire New Mexico LLC to Revoke the Injection Authority Granted Under Administrative Order SWD-184 for the Blinebry Drinkard SWD #018 Operated by Rice Operating Company, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order revoking the injection authority granted by Administrative Order SWD-184, to dispose of produced water in the Blinebry Drinkard SWD No. 18, API# 30-025-25616 (“Well”), a produced water disposal well located 1,100’ FSL and 2,250’ FWL of Section 18, Township 22 South, Range 37 East, NMPM, in Lea County, NM, within the unitized interval of the Arrowhead Grayburg Unit, which is operated by Applicant. The approved injection zone is within the San Andres formation, an interval which is potentially productive of hydrocarbons since the advent of horizontal drilling. The Well is located approximately 4 miles southwest of Eunice, New Mexico.
32. 24438 Application of Empire New Mexico LLC to Revoke the Injection Authority Granted Under Administrative Order SWD-965 for the Blinebry Drinkard SWD #020 Well Operated by Rice Operating Company, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order revoking the injection authority granted by Administrative Order SWD-965, to dispose of produced water in the Blinebry Drinkard SWD #020 well, API# 30-025-37168 (“Well”), a produced water disposal well located 330’ FNL and 660’ FWL of Section 20, Township 22 South, Range 37 East, NMPM, in Lea County, NM, near the unitized interval of the Arrowhead Grayburg Unit, which is operated by Applicant. The approved injection zone is within the San Andres formation, an interval which is potentially productive of hydrocarbons since the advent of horizontal drilling. The Well is located approximately 4 miles southwest of Eunice, New Mexico.
33. 24439 Application of Empire New Mexico LLC to Revoke the Injection Authority Granted Under Administrative Order SWD-1751 for the N 7 #001 Well Operated by Rice Operating Company, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order revoking the injection authority granted by Administrative Order SWD-1751, to dispose of produced water in the N 7 #001 well, API# 30-025-46576 (“Well”), a produced water disposal well located 813’ FSL and 1,318’ FWL of Section 7, Township 21 South, Range 37 East, NMPM, in Lea County, NM, near the unitized interval of the Eunice Monument South Unit, which is operated by Applicant. The approved injection zone is within the San Andres formation, an interval which is potentially productive of hydrocarbons since the advent of horizontal drilling. The Well is located approximately 4 miles northwest of Eunice, New Mexico.
34. 24446 Application of Marathon Oil Permian LLC for compulsory pooling, and, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 640-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit underlying the W/2 of Sections 27 and 34, Township 21 South, Range 33 East, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the War Hammer BS Federal Com 201H, War Hammer BS Federal Com 202H, War Hammer BS Federal Com 301H, War Hammer BS Federal Com 601H wells to be drilled with proposed first take points in the SW/4SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 34 and proposed last take points in the NW/4NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 27; and the War Hammer BS Federal Com 203H well to be drilled with a proposed first take point in the SE/4SW/4 (Unit N) of Section 34 and a proposed last take point in the NE/4NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 27. The wells will be drilled at orthodox locations. The completed intervals for the War Hammer BS Federal Com 202H and the War Hammer BS Federal Com 601H are expected to be less than 330 feet from the adjoining tracts thereby allowing for the inclusion of the proximity tracts within the proposed spacing unit. Marathon also seeks, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit. The proposed spacing unit in this case will partially overlap: a 480-acre Bone Spring horizontal well spacing unit comprised of the W/2 and the W/2E/2 of Section 27, dedicated to COG Operating, LLC’s Pygmy 27 State 2H well (API 30-025-42062) and COG Operating, LLC’s Pygmy 27 State 1H well (API 30-025-40352) and COG Operating, LLC’s Pygmy 27 State 3H well (API 30-025-42068); and a160-acre Bone Spring horizontal well spacing unit comprised of the W/2W/2 of Section 34, dedicated to Marathon’s Battle 34 Federal 4H well (API 30-025-42636). Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Marathon as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 18.4 miles from Oil Center, New Mexico.
35. 24457 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling and, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 459.56-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 of irregular Sections 18, 19, and 30 (W/2 W/2 equivalent), Township 18 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. Franklin also seeks, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Rope State Com 301H and Rope State Com 601H wells to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the SW/4 SW/4 (Lot 4) of Section 30 to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 NW/4 (Lot 1) of Section 18. The producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. The proposed horizontal spacing unit will partially overlap with a Bone Spring spacing unit dedicated to a 153.24-acre horizontal spacing unit comprised of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 of irregular Section 19 (W/2 W/2 equivalent), dedicated to Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC’s Ironhouse 19 State Com #004H well (API 30-025-41245). Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 19 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
36. 24459 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling and, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 960-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 of Sections 18, 19, and 30, Township 18 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. Franklin also seeks, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the following wells: Rope State Com 303H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 30 to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 18; and Rope State Com 304H and Rope State Com 604H wells to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 30 to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 18. The producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. The completed interval for the Rope State Com 303H well is expected to be less than 330 feet from the adjoining tracts thereby allowing for the inclusion of the proximity tracts within the proposed spacing unit under Rule NMAC. The proposed horizontal spacing unit will partially overlap with the following existing Bone Spring spacing units:
•    A 40-acre spacing unit comprised of the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 18, dedicated to Mack Energy Corporation’s Leo State #001H well (API 30-025-40243);
•    A 40-acre vertical spacing unit comprised of the SE/4 NE/4 (Unit H) of Section 18, dedicated to Mack Energy Corporation’s Leo State #007H well (API 30-025-41033);
•    A 40-acre vertical spacing unit comprised of the NW/4 SE/4 (Unit J) of Section 18, dedicated to Mack Energy Corporation’s Black Jack State #002H well (API 30-025-41134);
•    A 40-acre vertical spacing unit comprised of the NE/4 SE/4 (Unit I) of Section 18, dedicated to Mack Energy Corporation’s Black Jack State #001H well (API 30-025-40533);
•    A 40-acre vertical spacing unit comprised of the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 18, dedicated to Mack Energy Corporation’s Black Jack State #003H well (API 30-025-41748);
•    A 160-acre horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 E/2 of Section 19, dedicated to Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC’s Ironhouse 19 State Com #003H well (API 30-025-41050);
•    A 160-acre horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 E/2 of Section 19, dedicated to Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC’s Ironhouse 19 State Com #002H well (API 30-025-41094);
•    A 160-acre horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 E/2 of Section 30, dedicated to Matador Production Company’s Albatross State Com #002H well (API 30-025-41544); and
•    A 160-acre horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 E/2 of Section 30, dedicated to Matador Production Company’s Albatross State Com #001H well (API 30-025-41809).
Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 19 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
37. 24460 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 459.56-acre, more or less, Wolfcamp horizontal spacing unit comprised of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 of irregular Sections 18, 19, and 30 (W/2 W/2 equivalent), Township 18 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Rope State Com 701H and Rope State Com 801H wells to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the SW/4 SW/4 (Lot 4) of Section 30 to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 NW/4 (Lot 1) of Section 18. The producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 19 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
38. 24462 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 480-acre, more or less, Wolfcamp horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 W/2 of Sections 18, 19, and 30, Township 18 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the following wells: Rope State Com 702H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 30 to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 18; and Rope State Com 802H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the SW/4 SW/4 (Lot 4) of Section 30 to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 18. The producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 19 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
39. 24463 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 960-acre, more or less, Wolfcamp horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 of Sections 18, 19, and 30, Township 18 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the following wells: Rope State Com 703H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 30 to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 18; Rope State Com 704H and Rope State Com 804H wells to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 30 to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 18; and Rope State Com 803H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 30 to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 18. The producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. The completed interval for the Rope State Com 703H well is expected to be less than 330 feet from the adjoining tracts thereby allowing for the inclusion of the proximity tracts within the proposed spacing unit under Rule NMAC. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 19 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
40. 24479 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling and, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 480-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 W/2 of Sections 18, 19, and 30, Township 18 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. Franklin also seeks, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the following wells: Rope State Com 302H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 30 to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 18; and Rope State Com 602H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the SW/4 SW/4 (Lot 4) of Section 30 to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 18. The producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. The proposed horizontal spacing unit will partially overlap with a Bone Spring spacing unit dedicated to a 160-acre horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 W/2 of Section 19, dedicated to Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC’s Ironhouse 19 State Com #001H well (API 30-025-40676). Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 19 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
41. 24448 Application of Marathon Oil Permian LLC for compulsory pooling, and, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 320-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit underlying the W/2E/2 of Sections 27 and 34, Township 21 South, Range 33 East, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Battle Axe BS State Com 201H, Battle Axe BS State Com 301H, and Battle Axe BS State Com 601H wells to be drilled with proposed first take points in the SW/4SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 34 and proposed last take points in the NW/4NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 27. The wells will be drilled at orthodox locations. Marathon also seeks, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit. The proposed spacing unit in this case will partially overlap: a 480-acre Bone Spring horizontal well spacing unit comprised of the W/2 and the W/2E/2 of Section 27, dedicated to COG Operating, LLC’s Pygmy 27 State 2H well (API 30-025-42062) and COG Operating, LLC’s Pygmy 27 State 1H well (API 30-025-40352) and COG Operating, LLC’s Pygmy 27 State 3H well (API 30-025-42068); and a 160-acre Bone Spring horizontal well spacing unit comprised of the W/2E/2 of Section 34, dedicated to Marathon’s Battle #002H well (API 30-025-42009). Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Marathon as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 18.4 miles from Oil Center, New Mexico.
42. 24449 Application of Marathon Oil Permian LLC for compulsory pooling, and, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 320-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit underlying the E/2E/2 of Sections 27 and 34, Township 21 South, Range 33 East, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Battle Axe BS State Com 302H well to be drilled with a proposed first take point in the SE/4SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 34 and proposed last take points in the NE/4NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 27. The well will be drilled at orthodox locations. Marathon also seeks, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit. The proposed spacing unit in this case will partially overlap: a 320-acre Bone Spring horizontal well spacing unit comprised of the E/2E/2 of Sections 27 and 22, dedicated to COG Operating, LLC’s Raspberry State Com 1H well (API 30-025-43179); and a 160-acre Bone Spring horizontal well spacing unit comprised of the E/2E/2 of Section 34, dedicated to Marathon’s Battle #0001H well (API 30-025-41364). Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said well, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Marathon as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. Said area is located approximately 18.4 miles from Oil Center, New Mexico.
43. 24450 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 320-acre, more or less, Wolfcamp horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 W/2 of Sections 27 and 34, Township 18 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Norte State Com 701H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NW/4 NW/4 (Lot 4) of Section 3, Township 19 South, Range 35 East, to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 27, Township 18 South, Range 35 East. The producing area for the well is expected to be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said well, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. Said area is located approximately 15 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
44. 24454 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 320-acre, more or less, Wolfcamp horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 E/2 of Sections 27 and 34, Township 18 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Norte State Com 703H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NW/4 NE/4 (Lot 2) of Section 3, Township 19 South, Range 35 East, to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 27, Township 18 South, Range 35 East. The producing area for the well is expected to be unorthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said well, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. Said area is located approximately 15 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
45. 24456 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 320-acre, more or less, Wolfcamp horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 E/2 of Sections 27 and 34, Township 18 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Norte State Com 704H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Lot 1) of Section 3, Township 19 South, Range 35 East, to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 27, Township 18 South, Range 35 East. The producing area for the well is expected to be unorthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said well, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. Said area is located approximately 15 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
46. 24467 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 439.38-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of Lot 1, SE/4 NE/4, and the E/2 SE/4 of irregular Section 2 (E/2 E/2 equivalent), the E/2 E/2 of Section 11, and the E/2 NE/4 and NE/4 SE/4 of Section 14, Township 19 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Nexus Fed Com 504H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Lot 1) of Section 2 to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 SE/4 (Unit I) of Section 14. The producing area for the well is expected to be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said well, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. Said area is located approximately 14 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
47. 24468 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling and, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 439.50-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of Lot 4, SW/4 NW/4, and the W/2 SW/4 of irregular Section 2 (W/2 W/2 equivalent), the W/2 W/2 of Section 11, and the W/2 NW/4 and NW/4 SW/4 of Section 14, Township 19 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. Franklin also seeks, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Nexus Fed Com 501H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NW/4 NW/4 (Lot 4) of Section 2 to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 SW/4 (Unit L) of Section 14. The producing area for the well is expected to be orthodox. The proposed horizontal spacing unit will partially overlap with a Bone Spring spacing unit dedicated to a 160-acre horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 W/2 of Section 2, dedicated to Caza Operating LLC’s Gateway 2 State Com #002H well (API 30-025-41096). Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said well, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. Said area is located approximately 14 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
48. 24469 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 439.46-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of Lot 3, SE/4 NW/4, and the E/2 SW/4 of irregular Section 2 (E/2 W/2 equivalent), the E/2 W/2 of Section 11, and the E/2 NW/4 and NE/4 SW/4 of Section 14, Township 19 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Nexus Fed Com 502H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NW/4 (Lot 3) of Section 2 to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 SW/4 (Unit K) of Section 14. The producing area for the well is expected to be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said well, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. Said area is located approximately 14 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
49. 24470 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 439.42-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of Lot 2, SW/4 NE/4, and the W/2 SE/4 of irregular Section 2 (W/2 E/2 equivalent), the W/2 E/2 of Section 11, and the W/2 NE/4 and NW/4 SE/4 of Section 14, Township 19 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Nexus Fed Com 503H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NW/4 (Lot 3) of Section 2 to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 SE/4 (Unit J) of Section 14. The producing area for the well is expected to be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said well, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. Said area is located approximately 14 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
50. 24182 Application of Marathon Oil Permian LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a standard 960-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit underlying the N/2 of Section 36, Township 22 South, Range 27 East, and the N/2 of Sections 31 and 32, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Red Jaguar Federal Com 301H and Red Jaguar Federal Com 501H wells with first takes points in the SW/4 NW/4 (Unit E) of Section 36 and last take points in the SE/4 NE/4 (Unit H) of Section 32; and the Red Jaguar Federal Com 302H and Red Jaguar Federal Com 502H wells with first take points in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 36 and last take points in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 32. The wells will be horizontally drilled, and the producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. The completed intervals for the Red Jaguar Federal Com 302H and Red Jaguar Federal Com 501H are expected to be less than 330 feet from the adjoining tracts thereby allowing for the inclusion of the proximity tracts within the proposed spacing unit. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Marathon as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 5.45 miles northwest of Loving, New Mexico.
51. 24183 Application of Marathon Oil Permian LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a standard 960-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit underlying the S/2 of Section 36, Township 22 South, Range 27 East, and the S/2 of Sections 31 and 32, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Blue Barracuda Federal Com 301H and Blue Barracuda Federal Com 501H wells to be horizontally with first take points in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 36 with last take points in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 32; and the Blue Barracuda Federal Com 302H and Blue Barracuda Federal Com 502H wells to be horizontally drilled with first take points in the NW/4 SW/4 (Unit L) of Section 36 and last take points in the NE/4 SE/4 (Unit I) of Section 32. The producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. The completed intervals for the Blue Barracuda Federal Com 302H and Blue Barracuda Federal Com 501H are expected to be less than 330 feet from the adjoining tracts thereby allowing for the inclusion of the proximity tracts within the proposed spacing unit. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Marathon as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 5.45 miles northwest of Loving, New Mexico.
52. 24336 Application of Marathon Oil Permian LLC for Compulsory Pooling and Approval of an Overlapping Spacing Unit, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a standard 1,280-acre, more or less, Wolfcamp horizontal spacing unit underlying all of Section 36, Township 22 South, Range 27 East, and all of Section 31, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will target the Purple Sage Wolfcamp Gas Pool (Code 98220) and be dedicated to the Olmec Federal Com 701H and Olmec Federal Com 801H wells to be horizontally drilled with proposed first take points in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 36 and proposed last take points in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 31; the Olmec Federal Com 702H, Olmec Federal Com 802H, and Olmec Federal Com 805H wells to be horizontally drilled with proposed first take points in the NW/4 SW/4 (Unit L) of Section 36 and proposed last take points in the NE/4 SE/4 (Unit I) of Section 31; the Olmec Federal Com 703H, Olmec Federal Com 803H wells to be horizontally drilled with proposed first take points in the SW/4 NW/4 (Unit E) of Section 36 and proposed last take points in the SE/4 NE/4 (Unit H) of Section 31; and the Olmec Federal Com 704H, Olmec Federal Com 804H and Olmec Federal Com 806H wells to be horizontally drilled with proposed first take points in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 36 and proposed last take points in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 31. The producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. The completed intervals for the Olmec Federal Com 702H and Olmec Federal Com 803H are expected to be less than 330 feet from the adjoining tracts thereby allowing for the inclusion of the proximity tracts within the proposed spacing unit. Applicant also seeks, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit. The proposed spacing unit will partially overlap a 160-acre horizontal well Wolfcamp spacing unit comprised of the S/2 S/2 of Section 36, Township 22 South, Range 27 East, dedicated to Matador Production Company’s Scott Walker State 36 22S 27E RB #204H well (API: 30-015-43162). Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Marathon as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 5.45 miles northwest of Loving, New Mexico.
53. 24376 Application of Avant Natural Resources, LLC for a Horizontal Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Division: (1) creating a non-standard 1,280-acre, more or less, spacing and proration unit composed of all of Section 31, Township 18 South, Range 33 East, N.M.P.M. and all of Section 6, Township 19 South, Range 33 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico; and (2) pooling all uncommitted mineral interests in the Bone Spring Formation, designated as an oil pool, underlying said unit. The proposed wells to be dedicated to the horizontal spacing unit are Emerald Fed Com
#301H, Emerald Fed Com #302H, Emerald Fed Com #501H, Emerald Fed Com #502H, Emerald
Fed Com #601H, and Emerald Fed Com #602H, which are oil wells that will be horizontally drilled
from a surface location in Lot 7 of Section 6 to a bottom hole location in the Bone Spring Formation in Lot 1 of Section 31; Emerald Fed Com #303H, Emerald Fed Com #513H, and Emerald Fed Com #603H, which are oil wells that will be horizontally drilled from a surface location in Lot 7of Section 6 to a bottom hole location in the Bone Spring Formation in the NE/4NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 31; Emerald Fed Com #304H, Emerald Fed Com #514H, and Emerald Fed Com #604H, which are oil wells that will be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE/4SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 6 to a bottom hole location in the Bone Spring Formation in the NW/4NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 31; and Emerald Fed Com #305H, Emerald Fed Com #306H, Emerald Fed Com #515H, Emerald Fed Com #516H, Emerald Fed Com #605H, and Emerald Fed Com #606H, which are oil wells that will be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE/4SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 6 to a bottom hole location in the Bone Spring Formation in the NE/4NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 31. The wells are orthodox in location, and the take points and laterals comply with Statewide Rules for setbacks. Applicant will apply for administrative approval of the non-standard spacing unit. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the
costs thereof; actual operating costs and charges for supervision; the designation of the Applicant
as Operator of the wells and unit; and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. The wells and lands are located approximately 5 miles west from Hobbs,
New Mexico.
54. 24398 Application of Marathon Oil Permian LLC to Amend Order No. R-22690 Lea County, New Mexico. Marathon Oil Permian LLC seeks an order amending Order No. R-22690 (“Order”) to extend the deadline to commence drilling the initial well under the Order. The Division entered the Order in Case No. 23355 on May 25, 2023. The Order pooled all uncommitted interest owners in an 800-acre, more or less, standard Wolfcamp horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 of Sections 24, 25, and 36, Township 26 South, Range 34 East, Lea County, New Mexico, and dedicated the spacing unit to the Goliath 24 Federal Com 703H and Goliath 24 Federal Com 704H wells. Said area is located approximately 14.5 miles southwest of Jal, New Mexico.
55. 24399 Application of Marathon Oil Permian LLC to Amend Order No. R-22691 Lea County, New Mexico. Marathon Oil Permian LLC seeks an order amending Order No. R-22691 (“Order”) to extend the deadline to commence drilling the initial well under the Order. The Division entered the Order in Case No. 23356 on May 23, 2023. The Order pooled all uncommitted interest owners in an 800-acre, more or less, standard Wolfcamp horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 of Sections 24, 25, and 36, Township 26 South, Range 34 East, Lea County, New Mexico, and dedicated the spacing unit to the Goliath 24 Federal Com 701H and Goliath 24 Federal Com 702H wells. Said area is located approximately 14.5 miles southwest of Jal, New Mexico.
56. 24400 Application of Marathon Oil Permian LLC to Amend Order No. R-22692 Lea County, New Mexico. Marathon Oil Permian LLC seeks an order amending Order No. R-22692 (“Order”) to extend the deadline to commence drilling the initial well under the Order. The Division entered the Order in Case No. 23357 on May 25, 2023. The Order pooled all uncommitted interest owners in an 800-acre, more or less, standard Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 of Sections 24, 25, and 36, Township 26 South, Range 34 East, Lea County, New Mexico, and dedicated the spacing unit to the Goliath 24 Federal Com 301H, Goliath 24 Federal Com 601H, and Goliath 24 Federal Com 602H wells. Said area is located approximately 14.5 miles southwest of Jal, New Mexico.
57. 24401 Application of Marathon Oil Permian LLC to Amend Order No. R-22693 Lea County, New Mexico. Marathon Oil Permian LLC seeks an order amending Order No. R-22693 (“Order”) to extend the deadline to commence drilling the initial well under the Order. The Division entered the Order in Case No. 23358 on May 25, 2023. The Order pooled all uncommitted interest owners in an 800-acre, more or less, standard Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 of Sections 24, 25, and 36, Township 26 South, Range 34 East, Lea County, New Mexico, and dedicated the spacing unit to the Goliath 24 Federal Com 603H and Goliath 24 Federal Com 604H wells. Said area is located approximately 14.5 miles southwest of Jal, New Mexico.
58. 24402 Application of Mewbourne Oil Company for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling all uncommitted mineral owners in the Wolfcamp formation underlying a standard 332.68-acre, more or less, horizontal well spacing unit comprised of Lots 1-4 of irregular Sections 5 and 6 (N/2 N/2 equivalent), Township 20 South, Range 29 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the proposed Sig 6/5 Fed Com #713H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in Lot 5 (SW/4 NW/4 equivalent) of Section 6, with a first take point in Lot 4 (NW/4 NW/4 equivalent) of Section 6, and a last take point in Lot 1 (NE/4 NE/4 equivalent) of Section 5. Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the well and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Applicant as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. Said area is located approximately 14.5 miles northeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
59. 24403 Application of Mewbourne Oil Company for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling all uncommitted mineral owners in the Wolfcamp formation underlying a standard 309.88-acre, more or less, horizontal well spacing unit comprised of Lot 5, SE/4 NW/4, S/2 NE/4 of irregular Section 6 (S/2 N/2 equivalent) and S/2 N/2 of irregular Section 5, Township 20 South, Range 29 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the proposed Sig 6/5 Fed Com #714H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in Lot 5 (SW/4 NW/4 equivalent) of irregular Section 6, with a first take point in Lot 5 (SW/4 NW/4 equivalent) of irregular Section 6 and a last take point in the SE/4 NE/4 (Unit H) of irregular Section 5. Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the well and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Applicant as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. Said area is located approximately 14.5 miles northeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
60. 24404 Application of OXY USA Inc. for Approval of an Overlapping Horizontal Well Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order (a) approving a standard 320-acre, more or less, overlapping horizontal well spacing unit in the Bone Spring formation underlying the E/2 W/2 of Sections 12 and 13, Township 22 South, Range 31 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico, and (b) pooling all uncommitted mineral owners in this acreage. This spacing unit will be initially dedicated to the Top Spot 12_13 Fed 22H and Top Spot 12_13 Fed 23H wells, both to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE/4 SW/4 (Unit N) of Section 13, with a first take point in the SE/4 SW/4 (Unit N) of Section 13, and the last take point in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 12. This horizontal well spacing unit will overlap the following existing Bone Spring spacing unit:

•    320-acre horizontal well spacing unit comprised of the S/2 S/2 of Section 12, dedicated to OXY’s Federal 12 #14H (API: 30-015-40821).

    Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the costs thereof, operating costs and charges for supervision, the designation of applicant as operator, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. Said area is approximately 23 miles northeast of Loving, New Mexico.
61. 24405 Application of OXY USA Inc. for Approval of an Overlapping Horizontal Well Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order (a) approving a standard 320-acre, more or less, overlapping horizontal well spacing unit in the Bone Spring formation underlying the W/2 E/2 of Sections 12 and 13, Township 22 South, Range 31 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico, and (b) pooling all uncommitted mineral owners in this acreage. This spacing unit will be initially dedicated to the Top Spot 12_13 Fed Com 24H to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 13, with a first take point in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 13, and the last take point in the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 12; and Top Spot 12_13 Fed Com 25H to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 13, with a first take point in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 13, and the last take point in the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 12. This horizontal well spacing unit will overlap the following existing Bone Spring spacing unit:

•    320-acre horizontal well spacing unit comprised of the S/2 S/2 of Section 12, dedicated to OXY’s Federal 12 #14H (API: 30-015-40821).

    Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the costs thereof, operating costs and charges for supervision, the designation of applicant as operator, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. Said area is approximately 23 miles northeast of Loving, New Mexico.

62. 24406 Application of OXY USA Inc. for Approval of an Overlapping Horizontal Well Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order (a) approving a standard 320-acre, more or less, overlapping horizontal well spacing unit in the Bone Spring formation underlying the E/2 E/2 of Sections 12 and 13, Township 22 South, Range 31 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico, and (b) pooling all uncommitted mineral owners in this acreage. This spacing unit will be initially dedicated to the Top Spot 12_13 Fed Com 26H to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 13, with a first take point in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 13, and the last take point in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 12; and Top Spot 12_13 Fed Com 33H to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 13, with a first take point in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 13, and the last take point in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 12. This horizontal well spacing unit will overlap the following existing Bone Spring spacing unit:

•    320-acre horizontal well spacing unit comprised of the S/2 S/2 of Section 12, dedicated to OXY’s Federal 12 #14H (API: 30-015-40821).

    Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the costs thereof, operating costs and charges for supervision, the designation of applicant as operator, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. Said area is approximately 23 miles northeast of Loving, New Mexico.

63. 24420 Application of Hilcorp Energy Company for Downhole Commingling in its San Juan 30-6 Unit #8A Well, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. Pursuant to NMAC, applicant seeks an order authorizing it to downhole commingle production from the Basin Fruitland Coal Gas Pool (Pool Code 71629) with the Blanco-Mesaverde Gas Pool (Pool Code 72319) within the wellbore of its San Juan 30-6 Unit #8A Well (API 30-039-21701) located 640 feet from the north line and 800 feet from the west line (Unit C) in irregular Section 31, Township 30 North, Range 7 West, NMPM, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. The well is currently dedicated to non-standard 211.32-acre, more or less, spacing unit within the Blanco-Mesaverde Pool comprised of the W/2 of said irregular Section 31. Hilcorp proposes to re-complete the well within the Fruitland formation and simultaneously dedicate it to a non-standard 211.32-acre, more or less, spacing unit in the Basin-Fruitland Coal Gas Pool (Pool Code 71629) comprised of the W/2 of said irregular Section 31. Said area is approximately 12 miles northeast, of Blanco, NM.
64. 24421 Application of E.G.L. Resources, Inc. for Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. E.G.L. Resources, Inc. (“Applicant”) seeks an order pooling all uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation underlying a 640-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 of Sections 24 and 25, Township 18 South, Range 32 East, Lea County, New Mexico (“Unit”). Applicant seeks to dedicate the Unit to the following proposed wells (“Wells”): LTK 24-25 Fed Com 101H, 102H, 201H, and 203H Wells, to be drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 24 to a bottom hole location in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 25; and LTK 24-25 Fed Com 103H and 205H Wells, to be drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 24 to a bottom hole location in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 25. The completed interval of the LTK 24-25 Fed Com 203H Well will be located within 330’of the quarter-quarter section line separating the E/2 E/2 and W/2 E/2 of Sections 24 and 25 to allow for the creation of a 640-acre standard horizontal spacing unit. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the cost, the designation of Applicant as the operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The Wells are located approximately 8 miles south of Maljamar, New Mexico.
65. 24464 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 639.21-acre, more or less, Wolfcamp horizontal spacing unit comprised of Lots 1 and 2, S/2 NE/4, SE/4 of irregular Section 3 (E/2 equivalent), and the E/2 of Section 10, Township 19 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the following wells: Eagle State Com 704H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NW/4 NE/4 (Lot 2) of Section 3 to a bottom hole location in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 10; and Eagle State Com 705H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Lot 1) of Section 3 to a bottom hole location in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 10. The producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. The completed interval for the Eagle State Com 704H well is expected to be less than 330 feet from the adjoining tracts thereby allowing for the inclusion of the proximity tracts within the proposed spacing unit under Rule NMAC. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 15 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
66. 24465 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 319.59-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of Lot 1, SE/4 NE/4, and E/2 SE/4 of irregular Section 3 (E/2 E/2 equivalent), and the E/2 E/2 of Section 10, Township 19 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Eagle State Com 304H and Eagle State Com 504H wells to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Lot 1) of Section 3 to a bottom hole location in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 10. The producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 15 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
67. 24466 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 279.64-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of Lot 3, SE/4 NW/4, and E/2 SW/4 of irregular Section 3 (E/2 W/2 equivalent), and the E/2 NW/4 and NE/4 SW/4 of Section 10, Township 19 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the following wells: Eagle State Com 502H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NW/4 (Lot 3) of Section 3 to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 SW/4 (Unit K) of Section 10. The producing area for the well is expected to be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said well, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. Said area is located approximately 15 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
68. 24471 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling and, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 320-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 E/2 of Sections 27 and 34, Township 19 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. Franklin also seeks, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Treble State Com 303H, Treble State Com 503H, and Treble State Com 603H wells to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 22 to a bottom hole location in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 34. The producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. The proposed horizontal spacing unit will partially overlap with the following existing spacing units:
•    A Bone Spring spacing unit dedicated to a 40-acre vertical spacing unit comprised of the NW/4 SE/4 (Unit J) of Section 27, dedicated to Mewbourne Oil Co’s Sparrow 27 #002H well (API 30-025-39131); and
•    A Bone Spring spacing unit dedicated to a 40-acre vertical spacing unit comprised of the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 27, dedicated to Mewbourne Oil Co’s Sparrow 27 #003H well (API 30-025-25180).
Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 18 miles southwest of Hobbs, New Mexico.
69. 24472 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling and, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 320-acre, more or less, Wolfcamp horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 E/2 of Sections 27 and 34, Township 19 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. Franklin also seeks, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Treble State Com 703H and Treble State Com 803H wells to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 22 to a bottom hole location in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 34. The producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. The proposed horizontal spacing unit will partially overlap with a Wolfcamp spacing unit dedicated to a 40-acre vertical spacing unit comprised of the SW/4 NE/4 (Unit G) of Section 27, dedicated to North Fork Operating, LP’s Toro 27 #005H well (API 30-025-35425). Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 18 miles southwest of Hobbs, New Mexico.
70. 24473 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 320-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 E/2 of Sections 27 and 34, Township 19 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Treble State Com 304H, Treble State Com 504H, and Treble State Com 604H wells to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 22 to a bottom hole location in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 34. The producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 18 miles southwest of Hobbs, New Mexico.
71. 24474 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 320-acre, more or less, Wolfcamp horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 E/2 of Sections 27 and 34, Township 19 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Treble State Com 704H and Treble State Com 804H wells to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 22 to a bottom hole location in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 34. The producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 18 miles southwest of Hobbs, New Mexico.
72. 22700 Application of XTO Energy Inc. for Approval of a Release Notification and Corrective Action, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order from the Division withdrawing its denial of and instead approving applicant’s Form C-141 Application No. 76531 that requested Administrative Approval of a Release Notification and Corrective Action that was submitted on or about February 2, 2022, for Incident Id: NAPP2126045826.
73. 24423 Application of Mewbourne Oil Company for compulsory pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Mewbourne Oil Company seeks an order pooling all uncommitted mineral interest owners in the Wolfcamp formation underlying a horizontal spacing unit comprised of Lot 1, the N/2NE/4, and the NE/4NW/4 (the N/2N/2) of Section 31 and the N/2N/2 Section 32, Township 21 South, Range 26 East, NMPM. Applicant proposes to drill the G W Buffalo Fed Com. Well No. 711H, with a first take point in the NE/4NE/4 of Section 32 and a last take point in Lot 1 of Section 31, and to dedicate the N/2N/2 of Section 31 and the N/2N/2 Section 32 to the well. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling, completing, testing, and equipping the well and the allocation of the cost thereof, as well as actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of applicant as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling, completing, testing, and equipping the well. The unit is located approximately 5 miles west-northwest of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
74. 24424 Application of Mewbourne Oil Company for compulsory pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Mewbourne Oil Company seeks an order pooling all uncommitted mineral interest owners in the Wolfcamp formation underlying a horizontal spacing unit comprised of Lot 2, the S/2NE/4, and the SE/4NW/4 (the S/2N/2) of Section 31 and the S/2N/2 Section 32, Township 21 South, Range 26 East, NMPM. Applicant proposes to drill the G W Buffalo Fed Com. Well No. 713H, with a first take point in the SE/4NE/4 of Section 32 and a last take point in Lot 2 of Section 31, and to dedicate the N/2N/2 of Section 31 and the N/2N/2 Section 32 to the well. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling, completing, testing, and equipping the well and the allocation of the cost thereof, as well as actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of applicant as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling, completing, testing, and equipping the well. The unit is located approximately 5 miles west-northwest of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
75. 24425 Application of Mewbourne Oil Company for compulsory pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Mewbourne Oil Company seeks an order pooling all uncommitted mineral interest owners in the Wolfcamp formation underlying a horizontal spacing unit comprised of Lot 3, the N/2SE/4, and the NE/4SW/4 (the N/2S/2) of Section 31 and the N/2S/2 Section 32, Township 21 South, Range 26 East, NMPM. Applicant proposes to drill the G W Buffalo Fed Com. Well No. 716H, with a first take point in the NE/4SE/4 of Section 32 and a last take point in Lot 3 of Section 31, and to dedicate the N/2S/2 of Section 31 and the N/2S/2 Section 32 to the well. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling, completing, testing, and equipping the well and the allocation of the cost thereof, as well as actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of applicant as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling, completing, testing, and equipping the well. The unit is located approximately 5 miles west-northwest of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
76. 24426 Application of Mewbourne Oil Company for compulsory pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Mewbourne Oil Company seeks an order pooling all uncommitted mineral interest owners in the Wolfcamp formation underlying a horizontal spacing unit comprised of Lot 4, the S/2SE/4, and the SE/4SW/4 (the S/2S/2) of Section 31 and the S/2S/2 Section 32, Township 21 South, Range 26 East, NMPM. Applicant proposes to drill the G W Buffalo Fed Com. Well No. 718H, with a first take point in the SE/4SE/4 of Section 32 and a last take point in Lot 4 of Section 31, and to dedicate the S/2S/2 of Section 31 and the S/2S/2 Section 32 to the well. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling, completing, testing, and equipping the well and the allocation of the cost thereof, as well as actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of applicant as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling, completing, testing, and equipping the well. The unit is located approximately 5 miles west-northwest of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
77. 24322 Application of MRC Permian Company for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling a standard 320-acre, more or less, horizontal well spacing unit in the Bone Spring formation comprised of the N2S2 of Sections 32 and 33, Township 17 South, Range 30 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the proposed Coach Joe 3332 Fed Com 123H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SW4 of Section 34, with a first take point in the NW4SE4 (Unit I) of Section 33 and a last take point in the NW4SW4 (Unit L) of Section 32. Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the well and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Matador Production Company as operator of the proposed spacing unit, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. The subject area is located approximately two miles north of Loco Hills, New Mexico.
78. 24323 Application of MRC Permian Company for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling a standard 320-acre, more or less, horizontal well spacing unit in the Bone Spring formation comprised of the S2S2 of Sections 32 and 33, Township 17 South, Range 30 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Said unit will be initially dedicated to the proposed Coach Joe 3332 Fed Com 124H well to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SW4 of Section 34, with a first take point in the SE4SE4 (Unit P) of Section 33 and a last take point in the SW4SW4 (Unit M) of Section 32. Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the well and the allocation of the cost thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Matador Production Company as operator of the proposed spacing unit, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. The subject area is located approximately two miles north of Loco Hills, New Mexico.
79. 24427 Application of Devon Energy Production Company, L.P. for Approval of an Overlapping Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order (a) approving a 640-acre, more or less, overlapping horizonal well spacing unit in the Bone Spring formation underlying the NE4 of Section 9, the N2 of Section 10, and the NW4 of Section 11, Township 21 South, Range 27 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico, and (b) pooling all uncommitted interest owners in this acreage. Applicant seeks to initially dedicate the above-referenced horizontal spacing unit to the following proposed wells:
•    Bent Tree 9-11 Fed Com 221H, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE4NW4 (Unit F) of Section 9, with a first take point in the NW4NE4 (Unit B) of Section 9 and a last take point in NE4NW4 (Unit C) of Section 11; and
•    Bent Tree 9-11 Fed Com 332H, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE4NW4 (Unit F) of Section 9, with a first take point in the SE4NE4 (Unit G) of Section 9 and a last take point in SE4NW4 (Unit F) of Section 11; and
•    Bent Tree 9-11 Fed Com 333H, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE4NW4 (Unit F) of Section 9, with a first take point in the SE4NE4 (Unit G) of Section 9 and a last take point in SE4NW4 (Unit F) of Section 11
The completed interval of the Bent Tree 9-11 Fed Com 332H well is expected to remain within 330 feet of the offsetting quarter-quarter sections or equivalent tracts to include them in the proposed spacing unit. This proposed spacing unit will overlap the following existing spacing units in the Bone Spring formation:
?    A 160-acre spacing unit comprised of the N2N2 of Section 10 dedicated to the Cerf 10 Federal 3H (30-015-41058) operated by Devon and assigned to the Avalon;Bone Spring, East Pool (3713); and
?    A 160-acre spacing unit comprised of the S2N2 of Section 10 dedicated to the Cerf 10 Federal 4H (30-015-41059) operated by Devon and assigned to the Avalon;Bone Spring, East Pool (3713).
Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the costs thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Applicant as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling the wells. Said area is located approximately 5 miles northeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
80. 24428 Application of Devon Energy Production Company, L.P. for Approval of an Overlapping Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling 400-acre, more or less, spacing unit in an interval of the Bone Spring formation underlying the S2S2 of Section 9, the S2S2 of Section 10, and the S2SW4 of Section 11, Township 21 South, Range 27 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Application seeks to pool from the top of the Bone Spring formation to the correlative stratigraphic equivalent of 8218 feet measured depth as shown in the dual laterolog of the Yates State 2 (API # 30-015-32801). Applicant seeks to initially dedicate the above-referenced horizontal spacing unit to the proposed Bent Tree 9-11 State Com 224H, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SW4 of Section 9, with a first take point in the SW4SW4 (Unit M) of Section 9 and a last take point in SE4SW4 (Unit N) of Section 11. This proposed spacing unit will overlap an 800-acre spacing unit comprised of the S2 of Section 9, S2 of Section 10, and the SW/4 of Section 11 that Devon has proposed for the Bent Tree 9-11 State 337H and 338H wells to be drilled in a deeper interval of the Bone Spring formation. Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the well and the allocation of the costs thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Applicant as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling the well. Said area is located approximately 5 miles northeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
81. 24430 Application of Devon Energy Production Company, L.P. for Approval of a Non-Standard Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order (a) approving a 640-acre, more or less, non-standard horizonal well spacing unit in the Wolfcamp formation underlying the NE4 of Section 9, the N2 of Section 10, and the NW4 of Section 11, Township 21 South, Range 27 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico, and (b) pooling all uncommitted interest owners in this acreage. Applicant seeks to initially dedicate the above-referenced horizontal spacing unit to the following proposed wells:
•    Bent Tree 9-11 Fed Com 621H, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE4NW4 (Unit F) of Section 9, with a first take point in the NW4NE4 (Unit B) of Section 9 and a last take point in NE4NW4 (Unit C) of Section 11; and
•    Bent Tree 9-11 Fed Com 622H, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SE4NW4 (Unit F) of Section 9, with a first take point in the SE4NE4 (Unit G) of Section 9 and a last take point in SE4NW4 (Unit F) of Section 11.
Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the costs thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Applicant as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling the wells. Said area is located approximately 5 miles northeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
82. 24429 Application of Devon Energy Production Company, L.P. for Approval of an Overlapping Spacing Unit and Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling 800-acre, more or less, spacing unit in an interval of the Bone Spring formation underlying the S2 of Section 9, the S2 of Section 10, and the SW4 of Section 11, Township 21 South, Range 27 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks to pool all uncommitted mineral interests from the correlative stratigraphic equivalent of 8218 feet measured depth as shown in the dual laterolog of the Yates State 2 (API # 30-015-32801) to the base of the Bone Spring formation. Applicant seeks to initially dedicate the above-referenced horizontal spacing unit to the following proposed wells:
•    Bent Tree 9-11 State Com 337H, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SW4 of Section 9, with a first take point in the NW4SW4 (Unit L) of Section 9 and a last take point in NE4SW4 (Unit K) of Section 11; and
•    Bent Tree 9-11 State Com 338H, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SW4 of Section 9, with a first take point in the SW4SW4 (Unit M) of Section 9 and a last take point in SE4SW4 (Unit N) of Section 11.
The completed interval of the Bent Tree 9-11 State Com 338H well is expected to remain within 330 feet of the offsetting quarter-quarter sections or equivalent tracts to include them in the proposed spacing unit. This proposed spacing unit will overlap the following existing and proposed spacing units in the Bone Spring formation:
•    A 400-acre spacing unit comprised of the S2S2 of Section 9, S2S2 of Section 10, and the S2SW/4 of Section 11 that Devon has proposed for the Bent Tree 9-11 State 224H well to be drilled in a shallower interval of the Bone Spring formation;
•    A 160-acre spacing unit comprised of the N2S2 of Section 10 dedicated to the Cerf 10 State 7H (30-015-42709) and Cerf 10 State 9H (30-015-42710) wells operated by Devon that are producing from shallower intervals of the Bone Spring formation and placed in the Avalon; Bone Spring, East Pool (3713); and
•    A 160-acre spacing unit comprised of the N2S2 of Section 11 dedicated to the Cedar 11 State 1H (30-015-42734) and Cerf 11 State 2H (30-015-42737) wells operated by Devon that are producing from shallower intervals of the Bone Spring formation and placed in the Avalon; Bone Spring, East Pool (3713).
Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the costs thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Applicant as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling the wells. Said area is located approximately 5 miles northeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
83. 24431 Application of Devon Energy Production Company, L.P. for Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an order pooling an 800-acre, more or less, standard horizontal well spacing unit in the Wolfcamp formation underlying the S2 of Section 9, the S2 of Section 10, and the SW4 of Section 11, Township 21 South, Range 27 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks to initially dedicate the above-referenced horizontal spacing unit to the following proposed wells:
•    Bent Tree 9-11 State Com 625H, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SW4 of Section 9, with a first take point in the nW4SW4 (Unit L) of Section 9 and a last take point in NE4SW4 (Unit K) of Section 11; and
•    Bent Tree 9-11 State Com 626H, to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SW4 of Section 9, with a first take point in the SW4SW4 (Unit M) of Section 9 and a last take point in SE4SW4 (Unit N) of Section 11.
The completed interval of the Bent Tree 9-11 State Com 625H well is expected to remain within 330 feet of the offsetting quarter-quarter sections or equivalent tracts to include them in the proposed spacing unit. Also, to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the allocation of the costs thereof, actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Applicant as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling the wells. Said area is located approximately 5 miles northeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
84. 24443 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 320-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 E/2 of Sections 27 and 34, Township 18 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Norte State Com 604H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Lot 1) of Section 3, Township 19 South, Range 35 East, to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 27, Township 18 South, Range 35 East. The producing area for the well is expected to be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said well, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. Said area is located approximately 15 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
85. 24444 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling and, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 320-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 W/2 of Sections 27 and 34, Township 18 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. Franklin also seeks, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Norte State Com 602H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NW/4 (Lot 3) of Section 3, Township 19 South, Range 35 East, to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 27, Township 18 South, Range 35 East. The producing area for the well is expected to be orthodox. The proposed horizontal spacing unit will partially overlap with a Bone Spring spacing unit dedicated to a 40-acre vertical spacing unit comprised of the NE/4 SW/4 (Unit K) of Section 27, dedicated to Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC’s Hamon State #001H well (API 30-025-03140). Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said well, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. Said area is located approximately 15 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
86. 24447 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 320-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 W/2 of Sections 27 and 34, Township 18 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Norte State Com 601H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NW/4 NW/4 (Lot 4) of Section 3, Township 19 South, Range 35 East, to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 27, Township 18 South, Range 35 East. The producing area for the well is expected to be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said well, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. Said area is located approximately 15 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
87. 24445 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 320-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 E/2 of Sections 27 and 34, Township 18 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the Norte State Com 603H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the NW/4 NE/4 (Lot 2) of Section 3, Township 19 South, Range 35 East, to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 27, Township 18 South, Range 35 East. The producing area for the well is expected to be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said well, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the well, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said well. Said area is located approximately 15 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
88. 24161 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant applies for an order pooling all uncommitted interests in the Wolfcamp formation underlying a 960-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 of Sections 23, 26 and 35, Township 20 South, Range 32 East, Lea County, New Mexico (“Unit”). The Unit will be dedicated to the following wells (“Wells”): Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 201H well, which will be drilled from a surface hole location in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 23 to a bottom hole location in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 35; and Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 202H well, which will be drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 23 to a bottom hole location in the SE/4 SW/4 (Unit N) of Section 35. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. The completed interval of the Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 201H well will be located within 330’ of the quarter-quarter section line separating the W/2 W/2 and E/2 W/2 of Sections 23, 26 and 35 to allow for the creation of a 960-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The Wells are located approximately 32 miles east of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
89. 24162 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant applies for an order pooling all uncommitted interests in the Wolfcamp formation underlying a 960-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 of Sections 23, 26 and 35, Township 20 South, Range 32 East, Lea County, New Mexico (“Unit”). The Unit will be dedicated to the following wells (“Wells”): Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 203H well, which will be drilled from a surface hole location in the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 23 to a bottom hole location in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 35; and Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 204H well, which will be drilled from a surface hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 23 to a bottom hole location in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 35. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. The completed interval of the Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 203H well will be located within 330’ of the quarter-quarter section line separating the E/2 E/2 and W/2 E/2 of Sections 23, 26 and 35 to allow for the creation of a 960-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The Wells are located approximately 32 miles east of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
90. 24441 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant applies for an order pooling all uncommitted interests in the Second Bone Spring formation underlying a 480-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 W/2 of Sections 23, 26 and 35, Township 20 South, Range 32 East, Lea County, New Mexico (“Unit”). The Unit will be dedicated to the Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 213H and Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 224H wells (“Wells”), which will produce from a first take point in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 23 to a last take point in the SE/4 SW/4 (Unit N) of Section 35. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. There is an ownership depth severance in the Bone Spring Formation within the Unit. As a result, Applicant seeks to pool interests in the Second Bone Spring Formation from approximately 9,444’ TVD to 9,930’ TVD as shown on the Hanson State #1 well log (API 30-025-2499). Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The Wells are located approximately 32 miles east of Carlsbad, New Mexico.

91. 24440 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant applies for an order pooling all uncommitted interests in the Second Bone Spring formation underlying a 480-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 W/2 of Sections 23, 26 and 35, Township 20 South, Range 32 East, Lea County, New Mexico (“Unit”). The Unit will be dedicated to the Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 211H and Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 222H wells (“Wells”), which will produce from a first take point in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 23 to a last take point in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 35. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. There is an ownership depth severance in the Bone Spring Formation within the Unit. As a result, Applicant seeks to pool interests in the Second Bone Spring Formation from approximately 9,444’ TVD to 9,930’ TVD as shown on the Hanson State #1 well log (API 30-025-2499). Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The Wells are located approximately 32 miles east of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
92. 24442 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant applies for an order pooling all uncommitted interests in the Second Bone Spring formation underlying a 960-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 of Sections 23, 26 and 35, Township 20 South, Range 32 East, Lea County, New Mexico (“Unit”). The Unit will be dedicated to the following wells (“Wells”): the Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 215H and Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 226H wells, which will produce from first take points in the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 23 to last take points in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 35; and the Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 217H well, which will produce from a first take point in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 23 to a last take point in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 35. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. The completed interval of the Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 226H well will be located within 330’ of the quarter-quarter section line separating the E/2 E/2 and W/2 E/2 of Sections 23, 26 and 35 to allow for the creation of a 960-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit. There is an ownership depth severance in the Bone Spring Formation within the Unit. As a result, Applicant seeks to pool interests in the Second Bone Spring Formation from approximately 9,444’ TVD to 9,930’ TVD as shown on the Hanson State #1 well log (API 30-025-2499). Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The Wells are located approximately 32 miles east of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
93. 24451 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant applies for an order pooling uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation, save and except the Second Bone Spring Formation, underlying a 480-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 W/2 of Sections 23, 26 and 35, Township 20 South, Range 32 East, Lea County, New Mexico (“Unit”). The Unit will be dedicated to the Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 111H, Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 131H and Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 171H wells (“Wells”), which will produce from first take points in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 23 to last take points in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 35. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. There is an ownership depth severance in the Bone Spring Formation within the Unit. As a result, Applicant seeks to pool interests in the First and Third Bone Spring Formations and exclude interests in the Second Bone Spring Formation, from approximately 9,444’ TVD to 9,930’ TVD as shown on the Hanson State #1 well log (API 30-025-2499). Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The Wells are located approximately 32 miles east of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
94. 24452 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant applies for an order pooling uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation, save and except the Second Bone Spring Formation, underlying a 480-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 W/2 of Sections 23, 26 and 35, Township 20 South, Range 32 East, Lea County, New Mexico (“Unit”). The Unit will be dedicated to the Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 112H, Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 113H, Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 132H, and Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 172H wells (“Wells”), which will produce from first take points in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 23 to last take points in the SE/4 SW/4 (Unit N) of Section 35. There is an ownership depth severance in the Bone Spring Formation within the Unit. As a result, Applicant seeks to pool interests in the First and Third Bone Spring Formations and exclude interests in the Second Bone Spring Formation, from approximately 9,444’ TVD to 9,930’ TVD as shown on the Hanson State #1 well log (API 30-025-2499). Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The Wells are located approximately 32 miles east of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
95. 24453 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant applies for an order pooling uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation, save and except the Second Bone Spring Formation, underlying a 480-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 E/2 of Sections 23, 26 and 35, Township 20 South, Range 32 East, Lea County, New Mexico (“Unit”). The Unit will be dedicated to the Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 114H, Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 133H, and Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 173H wells (“Wells”), which will produce from first take points in the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 23 to last take points in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 35. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. There is an ownership depth severance in the Bone Spring Formation within the Unit. As a result, Applicant seeks to pool interests in the First and Third Bone Spring Formations and exclude interests in the Second Bone Spring Formation, from approximately 9,444’ TVD to 9,930’ TVD as shown on the Hanson State #1 well log (API 30-025-2499). Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The Wells are located approximately 32 miles east of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
96. 24455 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant applies for an order pooling uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation, save and except the Second Bone Spring Formation, underlying a 480-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 E/2 of Sections 23, 26 and 35, Township 20 South, Range 32 East, Lea County, New Mexico (“Unit”). The Unit will be dedicated to the Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 115H and Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 174H wells (“Wells”), which will produce from first take points in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 23 to last take points in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 35. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. There is an ownership depth severance in the Bone Spring Formation within the Unit. As a result, Applicant seeks to pool interests in the First and Third Bone Spring Formations and exclude interests in the Second Bone Spring Formation, from approximately 9,444’ TVD to 9,930’ TVD as shown on the Hanson State #1 well log (API 30-025-2499). The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The Wells are located approximately 32 miles east of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
97. 24416 Application of E.G.L. Resources, Inc. for Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. E.G.L. Resources, Inc. (“Applicant”) seeks an order pooling all uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation underlying a 640-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 of Sections 10 and 15, Township 18 South, Range 33 East, Lea County, New Mexico (“Unit”). Applicant seeks to dedicate the Unit to the following proposed wells (“Wells”): Smithers 10-15 Fed Com 101H Well, to be drilled from a surface hole location in the SE/4 SW/4 (Unit N) of Section 15 to a bottom hole location in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 10; and the Smithers 10-15 Fed Com 102H, 103H, 201H, and 203H Wells, to be drilled from a surface hole location in the SE/4 SW/4 (Unit N) of Section 15 to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 10. The completed interval of the Smithers 10-15 Fed Com 102H Well will be located within 330’of the quarter-quarter section line separating the W/2 W/2 and E/2 W/2 of Sections 10 and 15 to allow for the creation of a 640-acre standard horizontal spacing unit. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the cost, the designation of Applicant as the operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The Wells are located approximately 10 miles southeast of Maljamar, New Mexico.
98. 24326 Application of Matador Production Company to Amend Order No. R-22668, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks a year extension of time for drilling the well under Order No. R-22668. The Unit is comprised of the S/2 SW/4 and S/2 SE/4 of Sections 1 and 2, Township 21 South, Range 28 East, and Lot 18 and SE/4 SW/4 of Section 6, Township 21 South, Range 29 East, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico. Order No. R-22668 pooled the uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation and dedicated the Unit to the proposed initial Simon Camamile 0206 Fed Com #116H (API No. 30-015-53727) and the Simon Camamile 0206 Fed Com #126H (API No. 30-015-PENDING), both to be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 2, Township 21 South, Range 28 East, to a bottom hole location in the SE/4 SW/4 (Unit N) of Section 6, Township 21 South, Range 29 East. Said area is located 12 miles Northeast of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
99. 24124 Application of Permian Oilfield Partners, LLC for approval of a salt water disposal well in Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order approving disposal into the Silurian-Devonian formation through the Vital SWD Well #1 well at a surface location 335’ from the South line and 258’ from the West line, Unit M, Section 10, Township 20 South, Range 33 East, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico for the purpose of operating a produced water disposal well. Applicant seeks authority to inject produced water into the Silurian-Devonian formation at a depth of approximately 14,800 feet to 15,842 feet. Applicant further requests that the Division approve a maximum daily injection rate for the well of 50,000 bbls per day. Said area is located approximately 23 miles WSW of Monument, New Mexico.
100. 24125 Application of Permian Oilfield Partners, LLC for approval of a salt water disposal well in Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order approving disposal into the Silurian-Devonian formation through the Imperative SWD Well #1 well at a surface location 795’ from the North line and 2600’ from the East line, Unit C, Section 11, Township 20 South, Range 33 East, NMPM, Lea County, New Mexico for the purpose of operating a produced water disposal well. Applicant seeks authority to inject produced water into the Silurian-Devonian formation at a depth of approximately 14,796 feet to 15,868 feet. Applicant further requests that the Division approve a maximum daily injection rate for the well of 50,000 bbls per day. Said area is located approximately 22 miles WSW of Monument, New Mexico.
101. 24159 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant applies for an order pooling all uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation underlying a 960-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the W/2 of Sections 23, 26 and 35, Township 20 South, Range 32 East, Lea County, New Mexico (“Unit”). The Unit will be dedicated to the following wells (“Wells”): Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 111H, Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 121H, Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 131H, and Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 171H wells, which will be drilled from surface hole locations in the NW/4 NW/4 (Unit D) of Section 23 to bottom hole locations in the SW/4 SW/4 (Unit M) of Section 35; and Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 112H, Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 122H, Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 132H, and Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 172H wells, which will be drilled from surface hole locations in the NE/4 NW/4 (Unit C) of Section 23 to bottom hole locations in the SE/4 SW/4 (Unit N) of Section 35. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. The completed interval of the Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 132H well will be located within 330’ of the quarter-quarter section line separating the W/2 W/2 and E/2 W/2 of Sections 23, 26 and 35 to allow for the creation of a 960-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The Wells are located approximately 32 miles east of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
102. 24093 Application of Riley Permian Operating Company, LLC for a Horizontal Spacing Unit and
Compulsory Pooling, Eddy County, New Mexico. Applicant in the above-styled cause seeks an
order from the Division: (1) creating a standard 400-acre, more or less, spacing and proration unit comprised of the N/2 of Section 10 and the W/2NW/4 of Section 11, Township 18 South, Range 27 East, N.M.P.M, Eddy County, New Mexico, and (2) pooling all uncommitted mineral interests in the Yeso formation, designated as an oil pool, underlying said unit. The proposed wells to be dedicated to the horizontal spacing unit are the Walter 182710111 #11H and Walter 182710111#22H Wells, which are oil wells that will be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE¼NE¼ of Section 9 to a bottom hole location in the Yeso Formation in the NW¼NW¼ of Section 11, and the Walter 182710111 #13H, Walter 182710111 #15H, and Walter 182710111
#24H, which are oil wells that will be horizontally drilled from a surface location in the NE¼NE¼
of Section 9 to a bottom hole location in the Yeso Formation in the SW¼NW¼ of Section 11. The wells are orthodox in location and the take points and laterals comply with Statewide Rules for setbacks; also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the wells and the
allocation of the costs thereof; actual operating costs and charges for supervision; the designation of the Applicant as Operator of the wells and unit; and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the wells. The wells and lands are located approximately 10 miles from Artesia, New Mexico.
103. 24160 Application of Permian Resources Operating, LLC for Compulsory Pooling, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant applies for an order pooling all uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation underlying a 960-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 of Sections 23, 26 and 35, Township 20 South, Range 32 East, Lea County, New Mexico (“Unit”). The Unit will be dedicated to the following wells (“Wells”): Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 113H, Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 123H, Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 133H, and Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 173H wells, which will be drilled from surface hole locations in the NW/4 NE/4 (Unit B) of Section 23 to bottom hole locations in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 35; and Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 114H, Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 134H, and Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 174H wells, which will be drilled from surface hole locations in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit A) of Section 23 to bottom hole locations in the SE/4 SE/4 (Unit P) of Section 35. The completed intervals of the Wells will be orthodox. The completed interval of the Spicy Chicken 23 35 Fed Com 134H well will be located within 330’ of the quarter-quarter section line separating the E/2 E/2 and W/2 E/2 of Sections 23, 26 and 35 to allow for the creation of a 960-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit. Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing the Wells and the allocation of the costs, the designation of Applicant as operator of the Wells, and a 200% charge for the risk involved in drilling and completing the Wells. The Wells are located approximately 32 miles east of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
104. 24422 Application of Tascosa Energy Partners, LLC, to Pool Additional Interests Under Order No. R-22482, Eddy County, New Mexico. Tascosa Energy Partners, LLC (“Applicant”) seeks to pool additional uncommitted interests under the terms of Order No. R 22482 (“Order”). The Order: pooled all uncommitted interests in the Bone Spring formation underlying a 639.65-acre, more or less, standard horizontal spacing unit comprised of the N/2 of Section 19, Township 20 South, Range 27 East and the N/2 of Section 24, Township 20 South, Range 26 East, Eddy County, New Mexico (“Unit”); dedicated the Unit to the LeMans 2419 State Com #301H, #302H, and #303H wells (“Wells”); and designated Applicant as operator of the Unit and Wells. Order No. R-22482-A extended the deadline to commence drilling the wells authorized by the Order until January 12, 2025. Since the Order was entered, Applicant has identified additional uncommitted interests in the Unit that should be pooled under the terms of the Order. The Wells are located approximately 10 miles North-Northwest of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
105. 24458 Application of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC for compulsory pooling and, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit, Lea County, New Mexico. Applicant seeks an order from the Division pooling all uncommitted mineral interests within a 480-acre, more or less, Bone Spring horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 W/2 of Sections 18, 19, and 30, Township 18 South, Range 35 East, N.M.P.M., Lea County, New Mexico. Franklin also seeks, to the extent necessary, approval of an overlapping spacing unit. This spacing unit will be dedicated to the following wells: Rope State Com 302H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the SW/4 SE/4 (Unit O) of Section 30 to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit C) of Section 18; and Rope State Com 602H well, to be horizontally drilled from a surface hole location in the SW/4 SW/4 (Lot 4) of Section 30 to a bottom hole location in the NE/4 NE/4 (Unit C) of Section 18. The producing area for the wells is expected to be orthodox. The proposed horizontal spacing unit will partially overlap with a Bone Spring spacing unit dedicated to a 160-acre horizontal spacing unit comprised of the E/2 W/2 of Section 19, dedicated to Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC’s Ironhouse 19 State Com #001H well (API 30-025-40676). Also to be considered will be the cost of drilling and completing said wells, the allocation of these costs as well as the actual operating costs and charges for supervision, designation of Franklin Mountain Energy 3, LLC as operator of the wells, and a 200% charge for risk involved in drilling said wells. Said area is located approximately 19 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico.
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