OCD Permitting


General Incident Information
White Horse Compressor Station

[fAPP2206937962] Pinon Midstream
[330718] Pinon Midstream LLC
Remediation Closure Report Approved, Pending submission of Reclamation Report from the operator
Oil Release

Lea (25)

D-27-26S-36E      1110 FNL      565 FEL
32.018459,-103.259719 NAD83


Industry Rep

Contact Details

Event Dates




Incident Dates

Type Action Received Denied Approved
Remediation Closure Report [304261] 01/17/2024 03/26/2024
Sampling Notice [304262] 01/17/2024 01/17/2024
Remediation Plan [304261] 01/17/2024 03/26/2024
Site Characterization [304261] 01/17/2024 03/26/2024
Initial C-141 Report [304261] 01/17/2024 03/26/2024
Notification [290406] 12/03/2023 12/03/2023

Compositional Analysis of Vented and/or Flared Natural Gas

No Compositional Analysis Found

Incident Materials

Cause Source Material Volume Units
Unk. Released Recovered Lost
Human Error Tank (Any) Crude Oil 18 18 0 BBL
The concentration of dissolved chloride in the produced water >10,000 mg/l:           Yes           No        

Incident Events

Date Detail
03/26/2024 App ID 304261: Remediation closure report approved, release resolved.
03/26/2024 The (03/26/2024, C-141) application [304261] was accepted by OCD. The operator was emailed with details of this event.
03/26/2024 An application [304261] was submitted to OCD for review. It was submitted, indicating that it was an: [C-141] Application for administrative approval of a release notification and corrective action The operator was emailed confirmation of this event.
01/16/2024 The (01/17/2024, C-141N) application [304262] was assigned to this incident.
01/16/2024 The (03/26/2024, C-141) application [304261] was assigned to this incident.
12/11/2023 The (12/11/2023, C-141) application [291408] was rejected by OCD. The operator was emailed with details of this event.
12/11/2023 An application [291408] was submitted to OCD for review. It was submitted, indicating that it was an: [C-141] Application for administrative approval of a release notification and corrective action The operator was emailed confirmation of this event.
12/05/2023 The (12/11/2023, C-141) application [291408] was assigned to this incident.
12/04/2023 The (12/04/2023, C-141) application [290397] was rejected by OCD. The operator was emailed with details of this event.
12/04/2023 An application [290397] was submitted to OCD for review. It was submitted, indicating that it was an: [C-141] Application for administrative approval of a release notification and corrective action The operator was emailed confirmation of this event.
12/03/2023 The (12/04/2023, C-141) application [290397] was assigned to this incident.
12/03/2023 The (12/03/2023, NOR) application [290406] was assigned to this incident.
12/03/2023 New incident created by the operator, upon the submission of notification of release.
11/18/2023 Release discovered by the operator.

Incident Severity
Major release as defined by NMAC?
Yes No

Incident Corrective Actions

Initial Response

The source of the release has been stopped.
The impacted area has been secured to protect human health and the environment.
Released materials have been contained via the use of berms or dikes, absorbent pads, or other containment devices.
All free liquids and recoverable materials have been removed and managed appropriately.
If all the actions described above have not been undertaken, explain why:


Site Characterization

What is the shallowest depth to groundwater beneath the area affected by the release? Between 100 and 500 (ft.)   bgs
What method was used to determine the depth to ground water? U.S. Geological Survey
Did this release impact groundwater or surface water? Yes No
Are the lateral extents of the release within 300 feet of a continuously flowing watercourse or any other significant watercourse? Greater than 5 (mi.)  
Are the lateral extents of the release within 200 feet of any lakebed, sinkhole, or playa lake (measured from the ordinary high-water mark)? Greater than 5 (mi.)  
Are the lateral extents of the release within 300 feet of an occupied permanent residence, school, hospital, institution, or church? Greater than 5 (mi.)  
Are the lateral extents of the release within 500 horizontal feet of a spring or a private domestic fresh water well used by less than five households for domestic or stock watering purposes? Greater than 5 (mi.)  
Are the lateral extents of the release within 1000 feet of any other fresh water well or spring? Greater than 5 (mi.)  
Are the lateral extents of the release within incorporated municipal boundaries or within a defined municipal fresh water well field? Greater than 5 (mi.)  
Are the lateral extents of the release within 300 feet of a wetland? Greater than 5 (mi.)  
Are the lateral extents of the release overlying a subsurface mine? Greater than 5 (mi.)  
Are the lateral extents of the release overlying an (non-karst) unstable area? Greater than 5 (mi.)  
Categorize the risk of this well / site being in a karst geology? None  
Are the lateral extents of the release within a 100-year floodplain? Greater than 5 (mi.)  
Did the release impact areas not on an exploration, development, production, or storage site? Yes No

Remediation Plan

Have the lateral and vertical extents of contamination been fully delineated? Yes No
Was this release entirely contained within a lined containment area? Yes No
  Chloride *** (EPA 300.0 or SM4500 Cl B) 89.7   (mg/kg)
  TPH (GRO+DRO+MRO) (EPA SW-846 Method 8015M) 314.7   (mg/kg)
  GRO+DRO (EPA SW-846 Method 8015M) 0   (mg/kg)
  BTEX (EPA SW-846 Method 8021B or 8260B) 0   (mg/kg)
  Benzene (EPA SW-846 Method 8021B or 8260B) 0   (mg/kg)
On what estimated date will the remediation commence? 11/19/2023  
On what date will (or did) the final sampling occur? 12/11/2023  
On what date will (or was) the remediation complete(d) 12/11/2023  
What is the estimated surface area (in square feet) that will be reclaimed? 0   (sq ft)
What is the estimated volume (in cubic yards) that will be reclaimed? 0   (cu yds)
What is the estimated surface area (in square feet) that will be remediated? 450   (sq ft)
What is the estimated volume (in cubic yards) that will be remediated? 17   (cu yds)

This remediation will (or is expected to) utilize the following processes to remediate / reduce contaminants:

(Ex Situ) Excavation and off-site disposal (i.e. dig and haul, hydrovac, etc.)
Which OCD approved facility will be used for off-site disposal? [fEEM0112340644] R360 ARTESIA LLC LANDFARM

OTHER (Non-listed remedial process)?

No active remediation deferral request was found for this incident.

Remediation Closure Report

Have the lateral and vertical extents of contamination been fully delineated? Yes No
Was this release entirely contained within a lined containment area? Yes No
All areas reasonably needed for production or subsequent drilling operations have been stabilized, returned to the sites existing grade, and have a soil cover that prevents ponding of water, minimizing dust and erosion? Yes No
What was the total surface area (in square feet) remediated? 450   (sq ft)
What was the total volume (cubic yards) remediated? 17   (cu yd)
All areas not reasonably needed for production or subsequent drilling operations have been reclaimed to contain a minimum of four feet of non-waste contain earthen material with concentrations less than 600 mg/kg chlorides, 100 mg/kg TPH, 50 mg/kg BTEX, and 10 mg/kg Benzene? Yes No
What was the total surface area (in square feet) reclaimed? 0   (sq ft)
What was the total volume (in cubic yards) reclaimed? 0   (cu yd)
OTHER (Non-listed remedial process)?

        No additional remediation activities occurred as a result of the release.

No reclamation report data was found for this incident.

No re-vegetation report data was found for this incident.

Orders No Orders Found

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